My story with Regina Romero

11 May 2024

by Mishiko García

You may recognize my name from some posts on this blog; and maybe not. Maybe they haven't even seen it. However, it has been a long time since I spoke from a distance to all of you and I have received your words in each of these entries. I also know that some of you know me personally and have approached RR through these texts, but you have been captivated by the models. And with good reason! Today, at this meeting point between us, I want to tell you my story with Regina Romero.

Venice model

When our steps are in the right direction, when they are truly dictated by our essence and the deepest desires of our being, we arrive where we truly belong. The first time I learned about this brand, I was precisely like this, walking on Pte. Masaryk Avenue. I used to visit that area a lot, but I hadn't noticed that boutique that lived on the corner of Alexandre Dumas and the famous avenue.

Masaryk Passage, a point very close to where the old boutique was located.

On that occasion, I decided not to enter. It was a one-second decision, and one that perhaps I now regret. I guess I hadn't defined my style yet and I didn't know if that was for me. However, the pieces caught my attention immediately; and almost like a flash, without reason, a kind of promise arose in me: " one day I will have a pair of these shoes . " And then, at some point, later, it was as if Regina Romero had completely disappeared. I didn't know anything about that boutique for a long time.

On the right, a vintage Regina Romero model

As happens with so many memories, and especially when you are young, time, although perceived more slowly, is much more volatile and dilutes almost everything. Promises made and horizons change, or are forgotten. It is part of a journey of self-knowledge. I quickly lost track of Regina Romero, although I never completely forgot her name. It has always seemed like a very euphonious name to me, difficult to forget. It was unusual to find a Mexican woman's name adorning the walls of one of Polanco's main avenues.

RR Polanco Catalog

At nineteen years old, still young, I can say that much of my character had already been forged. I soon discovered that I wanted to dedicate my life to sublimate beauty. It's a peculiar idea. If I think about the implications of sublimating in a philosophical sense, it leads me to exalt, exalt, elevate to a higher degree; and as for physics, sublimate is the passage from the solid state to the gas, without liquidity, without dilution. Both, for me, have to do with the ethereal.

And so, this ethereal beauty demands to be preserved and cultivated from the physical to the soul. As for the soul, there is no greater beauty than nourishing it with what its essence cries out for. And, among some other passions, writing has been a meeting point and elevation for me. Regina Romero, for her part, has allowed me to develop in this field. It has also taught me to live with elegance, in terms of what surrounds me, but also in its ideals: pursue your dreams, live independently and authentically.

Mimi model

As for the physical, which is perhaps the most difficult part to explain, and which for some might even seem ironic, my ideas and the accent of this path have helped me escape frivolity. I am not looking for a beauty that only refers to features that are considered aesthetic within a standard, but rather my own beauty: exalt it, take care of it... always, when I dress, I think that we will never look like we do today again and that each day is a new moment to find oneself. . It is a complete manifestation of being.

Mitty model

Touching on another of the central axes of my life, I also think that while we are not moving, and at various times in our lives, we find ourselves sitting in the middle of a room surrounded by doors. All of these doors represent various possibilities. When choosing one, we discard the others. I don't know when, behind one of these doors, the name of Regina Romero was drawn again. And, like a chance event, which today I classify as serendipity, it appeared again.

Gaia model

I also don't remember the exact moment when that happened. If we look in the mirror at the past, great events result from a chain of the smallest trivialities. When I bought my first Regina Romero model, I did so because of an advertisement I saw on the web. I faced many of the doubts that you have: will they fit? Will they arrive on time?... But above all, is it the same brand that I saw years ago on that walk?

model Amy

After receiving my first pair, a Mary Jane model called Amy, all my doubts were resolved after a pleasant shopping experience. Wearing Regina Romero is a delight, so I would soon have more pairs. As of today, my collection consists of 69 models from this great brand. And my own mother is already a big fan.

My favorite model? Tamara sneakers. I think they are beautiful, perfect height, elegant and comfortable; combinable and are always available in many colors during the various seasons.

Tamara model

Becoming a fan of this brand is almost natural once you get to know it. The care with which the collections are designed and the deep work that goes into each one can be seen through each pair. Now, it is practically impossible to fit another brand of shoe.

Mitty model

And its impact captivates, captures immediately. I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that everyone who looks at the shoes and says wow!; They ask me what brand they are, where I bought them, etc. Many of my shoes have sparked light conversations with strangers; showers of praise lasting a few minutes for the impact they cause in front of everyone's eyes.

Astra model

For this reason, and for so many other things, Regina Romero has been a pioneer of high-design women's footwear in Mexico for 40 years. It does not surprise me, and at the same time it causes me an astonishment that cannot fit within myself. Permanence is not a quality of these times of liquidity. In my own life, I have not even walked the path of this great brand yet, but I can say that I am one of the people on whom its mark has been the deepest.

More months passed and more pairs arrived until an event arrived that disrupted the flow of the world and whose vestiges are felt to this day. The desolation that the pandemic brought, I must say, that brought me fortune in the midst of chaos. After a few more pairs, in the gaps of time, I contemplated another of my first models, the 1980 platform and I thought, being so captivated, that perhaps Regina Romero would have much more for me.

My 1980 platforms were an amulet. I used them in the final interview with the brand

In November 2020, precisely on the 12th, I decided to contact the brand. Many times we lose opportunities because we do not believe that by asking we can be given. I presented myself to them to offer my job as a graphic designer and, as a great stroke of luck, I received a prompt response. Finally, at the beginning of December, Regina Romero was already part of the team. In this company I have improved on a personal and professional level day by day, developing deeply until I obtained the position of editor-in-chief.

Although it is evident, it goes without saying that I am grateful to the entire Regina Romero team, but especially to Sabrina Herrera, whose trust in me has been a strong impetus to grow professionally; and his character, his philosophy, his eagerness to learn and his intelligence, an inspiration and the basis of deep admiration.

Zia model

On this path which I hope is much longer than what I have been on I have learned many things about the world of fashion. Regina Romero has given me a different perspective, understanding fashion from the values ​​of Mrs. Regina, with passion and commitment, to the complex process of creating the collections, as well as its reflection and impact on the society they speak of. This brand, undoubtedly, opens the perspective of anyone who wears it, but even more so for those of us who have the privilege of collaborating with it.

Lulu model

And, of course, Regina Romero has left me learning from the works she creates. I am a firm believer that a wardrobe should be built with versatile, timeless and high-quality pieces. When I look at my collection, I think that these are shoes that I will still be able to wear in at least ten years. Over time, and especially my time in this company, I have seen how shoes are the perfect complement to create different combinations and cultivate versatility in one's own beauty. Nothing better than perfecting one's own charm and expressing our essence in everything we do and say, but also making it clear in our image, through what we wear and wear.

Mati model

Every word that comes to you is written from these values. Today, May 12, I also turn 31 years old, I have the privilege and pleasure of writing a part of my story for you. That is my greatest value and my great gift.

Thank you very much and see you soon!

Special thanks to:

Sabrina Herrera

Jorge Romero

Luis Vargas

Fernanda Jimenez

Photography: Xavier Massimi

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Martha Lares Carrillo

A mí pasa siempre con mis zapatos, las personas me detienen para preguntar acerca de ellos, que sí son europeos, que sí fuí a USA, etc, y con mucho orgullo les digo son RR de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México!!


Laura Molina

Que bonita historia. Y que bueno que pudo conseguir trabajo ahí. La redacción de su historia es genial. Felicidades.


Mireya Estrada

Entiendo perfectamente tu punto de vista, mis piernas liver muy estilizadas cuando calzo unos RR. Al igual que a ti siempre me pregunta si los zapatos los compré en México, y siempre les digo que mi mamá me enseñó a usar la marca y que son orgullosamente mexicanos.





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