The Pillars of Sustainability.

10 August 2022

By: Mishiko Garcia

Regina Romero shoes, bags and belts are not only high quality products , but they carry enormous responsibility . Over time, we have discovered that sustainability is little by little becoming one of our central axes and here we tell you why.

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"Clothes could have more meaning and longevity if we think less about having the latest or cheapest and develop more of a relationship with the things we wear."

Elizabeth L. Cline


Elizabeth L. Cline is an author, journalist, and expert on consumer culture , fast fashion , sustainability , and labor rights in the fashion industry. She was the first to reveal the impacts of fast fashion on the environment , economy and society with her publication "Overdressed: The Surprisingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion" , 2012; a foundational text of the modern global ethical and sustainable fashion movement.

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Let's start there: we create a value relationship with our products . Not only do they have a high sentimental value for us and you, but we also take care of every aspect of how they are made : from our materials , our processes , our treatment with suppliers and our sales model .

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As we have already told you, the leather in our shoes is a byproduct of the meat industry . This industry is extremely important for Mexico and we decided to take advantage of what for others could be waste . In addition, we have taken the time to look for tanneries that take better care of the environment .

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We have also decided that our leather tanning processes are vegetable processes . Vegetable tanning has been present since prehistory ; However, many do not use it because it is an artisanal process that takes a long time . However, it has a great advantage : vegetable-tanned leather is a unique product , with the ability to age but not spoil. The durability of your Regina Romero is guaranteed from many angles.

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Another fundamental aspect is our water-based glues . None of them have solvents; Because we not only care about the environment, but also about the people who make our products .

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The health of our master craftsmen and collaborators is vital to us. Fair trade has become increasingly better integrated into our way of life and work . This is an alternative form of trade promoted by several NGOs , by the United Nations Organization and by social and political movements that promote a voluntary and fair commercial relationship between producers and consumers. We offer a product made under optimal conditions for our workers and at a fair price for you.


One of the best ways to create valuable relationships for you with your shoes is that we only make limited editions . Our slow fashion model protects the environment and creates exclusive, high-quality products that you will enjoy; So, every time you wear your Regina Romero , feel proud of wearing footwear of great value , from its production, to its sale and use.

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https://www.elsoldemexico.com.mx/circulos/moda/de-tacon-de-aguja-a-los-stilettos-y-ecologicos-asi-ha-evolucionado-el-calzado-femenino-8524518.html/ amp
https://beyondline.com.mx/numero-22/regina-romero-elegancia-y-exclustividad- desde-los-80s-en-mexico/
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