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Today's woman

17 February 2024

Our era demands always being up to date. We appreciate it daily in technological advances, in conversations, in innovations in various industries and in the transformation of our daily activities. The future seems to absorb our time and our thoughts, but let us not forget that the future is always built from the present.

randy model

And how can we capture current events to our advantage? At Regina Romero, we are passionate about the issue of women. We work for them; We love wearing them and accompanying their steps; and that is why we recognize all those women who break barriers and we also know that they all have the potential to do so in a society that regularly stands out for its inequality.

Sparks model

Regina Romero dresses the modern woman ; a woman of the future who is built today; that is made to resolve your present and thus be able to go after your dreams. Today's woman is one who lives integrated into her society, but with a broad criterion to challenge the feminine stereotypes that bind her and prevent her from being authentic; She is a woman who observes her environment to fight for her gender and build a more just society for herself and her peers.

Mumbai model

It is no coincidence that there is even an etymological relationship between « act » and « current » . Both words come from the Latin actualis -related to the act- and this in turn from actus -to do-. A modern woman simply acts . Moved by her convictions, today's model of woman embraces the experience of being a woman and transforms, always with balance, her own situation.

Violet model

My great example of a modern woman is, of course, my mother. Regina Calzada de Romero is a modern woman, she has been in all stages of her life and her story is a great example of empowerment for women, because she dared to go after her dreams and bring the best of footwear to Mexican women. internationally, achieving a balance between giving the best to her peers and going after her desires, in addition to being the first Mexican woman to give her name to her brand.

That is why the brand is so imbued with that essence: Regina Romero fits women who live according to their own values ​​and aspirations, who trust in themselves and their abilities; In short, to current women .

Greta model

Although " current " refers us to " new " , it is essential to direct it towards " renewal " . A modern woman breaks age stereotypes. Regardless of their time frame, they make informed decisions, learn, and stand out for their dedication, strength, resilience, intelligence, and responsibility. I dare say that these last virtues are built in youth but are enhanced with maturity, but that does not mean that an open mentality should be left aside, a mind that challenges and questions to grow and evolve.

Ginny model

This lifestyle is closely linked to elegance. Beyond the appreciation of beauty, distinction and good taste that we always associate with this term, elegance can also be defined as the fruit of choice; stand out from the rest by being harmonious, delicate and moving away from the commonplace, clichés and vulgarity.

Tamara model

Thus, the true woman of today is elegant in all the manifestations of her being. The current situation, no matter how overwhelming it may seem, should not terrify us. Embrace your current situation to understand it and move forward through this world in your favor. The fundamental thing is to fall in love with your own future, with everything it will bring you because you are building it today; This is what a modern woman is like.

Clark model


[Women in today's society - Technological University of Jalisco](

[What is the concept of today's woman like? -Class Magazine](

[Being a woman: synonymous with resilience, strength and confidence - Expansión Mujeres](

[What does it mean to be a woman in our society? - Clarín](

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De acuerdo con tu blog, las mujeres debemos romper con estereotipos sin llegar a ser vulgares, ser contemporáneos en nuestra vestimenta nos conduce a confianza y elegancia que no pasa de moda, ser mujer madura no simplemente es en edad si no también en la distinción de nuestro comportamiento consigo misma y hacia los demás.


Norma mora

Me entraron todos muy hermoso y cómodos




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