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Genesis of a New Woman

22 April 2023

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, Genesis is the first book of the Pentateuch and, therefore, also of the Old Testament of the Bible. Honoring its etymology—it comes from the Greek γένεσις which means birth, creation or origin— Genesis recounts the creation of the world, the beginnings of humanity and the history of the ancestors of God's chosen people.


Throughout history there have been several moments that can be considered cultural or social genesis. Turning points when such radical changes were generated that they turned society, ways of life and the way we relate: the French Revolution and the Second World War, for example, are considered key moments in the history of humanity.


However, we can also talk about these turning points on a medium or even micro scale; personal moments that transform us as individuals on a personal level. In women's history, some of the most relevant moments are the triumph of women's suffrage and the sexual revolution, also known as the first and second waves of feminism.
Read: “Born in the 80's.”


The latter took place during the decades of the seventies and eighties, which marked a period of significant changes in many aspects of modern history.

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The women who challenged traditional gender norms during those years were the ones who paved the way for greater equality for us in later generations.


It should be noted that this change did not emerge overnight, it was achieved through small victories - such as making decisions about their own body and reproductive health, demanding equality in the home and an equitable distribution of domestic responsibilities - that marked the path to bigger changes—such as the massive entry of women into the workforce and the first women elected to high state positions (Margaret Thatcher, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, Sandra Day O'Connor and Geraldine Ferraro)—.
Read: “The origins of Regina Romero?” reginaromero-blog-the-genesis-of-a-new-woman-WOMEN

In Mexico, we have the example of a woman who in 1984 dared to challenge traditional gender roles and contemporary fashion canons by founding the first 100% Mexican fashion house. Regina Calzada de Romero, with the support of her family, designed and manufactured handmade leather women's footwear, thinking of all those women who wanted to take on the world.


Like the true disruptor that she is, Regina decided to name the brand after herself. Beyond a company, she sought to empathize and relate to her peers, those first women who paved the way for us in the labor market, those who began to occupy increasingly prestigious positions, women who were their reflection.

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Today, almost forty years later, Regina Romero continues to fit all women who want to make their dreams come true, accompanying them every step, every moment of their life.

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Those who stood up for gender equality almost sixty years ago, both at home and in public life, fought for their place in higher education institutions, in male-dominated fields of work and spaces in politics and diplomacy, are my source of greatest admiration and respect. Because it is not easy to stand up against a system that keeps you in a place of few possibilities and they, against all odds, emerged triumphant.

Read: “Who is Regina Romero?”

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Desde mi primer par de zapatos Regina Romero no deseo ningún otro calzado. Solo estos me garantizan desde su estreno la seguridad de poder usarlos sin la menor incomodidad durante el más ajetreado de mis días.


Monica Carolina Paredes Hernandez

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Linda reseña! Hoy por hoy su marca tiene nombre y prestigio. Es arduo el trabajo, deseo que el reconocimiento perdure a través de su calidad. 👍🏼




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