In Memory of My Father... Carlos Romero Huxley

19 June 2021

When I think of my childhood , one of the first memories that come to mind is all the times I accompanied my father , Carlos Romero Huxley (RIP), to work. I remember that while he was working checking orders, talking to workers, organizing deliveries, etc., I would explore the shoe factory. Many times I would sit at his desk playing boss until my dad came back for me to go home for dinner.


Every Father 's Day I celebrate in a very special way because, for several years, the man who taught me to ride a bicycle, shave and wear a tie, is no longer with me; but he lives on in the memory of those of us who loved him and knew him in life and in the actions he instilled in me since I was a child, because, as he always said, “actions are worth a thousand words.”


Every morning when I open my closet to choose the clothes I am going to wear that day, my dad's voice resonates in my mind : "You can tell how careful or attentive a person is just by looking at their shoes." Careful and clean shoes speak volumes about the attention to detail that people have. For me it is very important to always have quality shoes that fit me like a glove and are well polished. I try to give you the same thing.


He also said that the accessories we choose reflect our level of commitment. A good watch, made of good materials and a timeless design indicates that we prefer long-term relationships ; that we are looking for something lasting and not something disposable. He said something very similar about the cufflinks and, thus, every time I wear a suit, I take care to choose accessories that my father would be pleased to see that I heeded his words.


As the father of two beautiful children , I myself try to leave them with lessons for their personal and work life in my actions, but also in words. I hope that the advice that I share with them, and with you, will be useful to you every day of your lives.


On this Father's Day I want to toast in memory of him , the best man I have ever known.


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[4:01 PM, 11/8/2024] Migdalis: Estoy muy feliz por tan hermosas palabras, sabes llenar de emociones mi corazón, tú también estás en mis pensamientos siempre y me da alegría y gozo saber qué te hago sentir feliz. Deseo que estés bien y cuídate mucho que nos necesitamos. Pero extrañe la Rosa con la que me hacés inicial cada día. 🤗❤️
[11:31 PM, 11/8/2024] Migdalis: Buenas noches Daniel, deseo que descanses, ya he has tenido una jornada de trabajo muy agitada y ocupada.
Amor, quiero expresarte que el solo pensar en ti y todo cambia. La vida tiene color, la tristeza desaparece y solo queda lugar para la alegría, gozo y esperanza.
Quiero que sepas que tu amor me sostiene cada día, me enseña y me fortaleza. Siento tu cariño, tu apoyo, y estoy segura de que eres un buen hombre. ¿Cómo puedo gradecer a Dios por este regalo? Mi gratitud es mi corazón, que te entrego por completo.💘💞🩷🥰



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