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Contacting Our Roots

18 February 2023

How many family businesses do you know? The answer may lead you to think about small businesses, such as bakeries or grocers. You can also think of medium-sized companies as a small factory. However, much larger companies, those that we can consider transnational, those that have a great impact on the global economy, for the most part, have not remained in the family.


The objectives of these large conglomerates are different; go public, expand your influence globally and more. Few companies care about maintaining real contact with their origins, traditions and fundamental values. Little by little these businesses are losing their face, they are becoming dehumanized.

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Regina Romero, as the first 100% Mexican fashion house, has strived to maintain contact with its roots. We are not just talking about maintaining traditions such as what is handmade—which is very important, and which we will tell you about later—but about those traditions that are carried with the name and surname.

Read: Keep it in the family. 

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A few months ago, while I was watching the House of Gucci movie with my family , and observing the trajectory of that great fashion house and all the sacrifices they had to make to position themselves as a benchmark in international fashion, I started to think about whether It is truly worth losing that contact not only with the original creators, but also with the essence of the brand in order to become what they are.


Since my parents, Regina Calzada de Romero and Carlos Romero Huxley, imagined their company, maintaining the business as a family was one of the main axes. Only family takes care of you like no one else would. They care about your well-being, your comfort and your individuality, and that, when extrapolated to the world of fashion, is priceless.

Read: The responsibilities behind a brand.


At Regina Romero we strive to maintain the tradition that characterized us from the beginning and that has taken us to where we are. Of course we would love to become a great reference in international fashion and take our products beyond Mexican borders, but if that means abandoning our origins, the decision is clear.

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The outlook for the future brings many exciting things, scientific discoveries, great technological advances that make things come true that we only thought possible in our imaginations and more. However, with the advancement of processes such as artificial intelligence and the robotization of processes previously done by hand, today more than ever it is very important to maintain the tradition of those things that do work.

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The creation of our products is completely handmade from the design, the selection of leathers, the cutting, the assembly and the decoration. Everything is always supervised by a member of our family who pays special attention to ensuring that the product you receive is something that they themselves would use.

Read: Honoring the handmade.

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When there is a real person behind every detail, someone who is willing to put their first and last name, the prestige of their family and their word on a product, it means that you are in the presence of something extraordinary. For all of us at Regina Romero, maintaining that contact with our origins and traditions, willing to monitor every part of the process is what motivates us to get up day after day.


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Cecilia Andalon

Quisiera saber si el modelo Mati 50 en color seda volverá a estar en venta, me asombro ver que cuando lo hiba a pedir se habia acabado. Mi número es 24


Cecilia Andalon

Quisiera saber si el modelo Mati 50 en color seda volverá a estar en venta, me asombro ver que cuando lo hiba a pedir se habia acabado. Mi número es 24


Cecilia Andalon

Quisiera saber si el modelo Mati 50 en color seda vomvera a estar en venta, me asombro ver que cuando lo hiba a pedir se habia acabado




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