From the beginning of Regina Romero , my parents -Regina Calzada de Romero and Carlos Romero Huxley (RIP)- knew that they wanted to turn this company into a family business.
In 1983 , I started working with them and in 2017 I took over the management of the company. Now I am the one who has the fortune to work with my children , Jorge and Romina.
It has been a rewarding experience to see them grow in different areas of their lives. A few months ago we launched our line of Regina Romero Resort sandals.
This is a very special project for the Romero family because it was the first collection directed by my son, Jorge Romero Reynoso. In this article, I want to share with you a bit of the history of this collection and everything we have learned working together.
The idea of creating a collection dedicated exclusively to sandals , the Regina Romero Resort line , was born after my son worked for several months in our boutique in Monte Libano , having direct contact with you , listening and recognizing your needs .
The resort concept came about while we were in the midst of the pandemic , last year. If you want to know the entire creative process of the collection, I invite you to read our blog: Regina Romero Resort .

All its development has a very clear vision that seeks to find the perfect balance between comfort, safety and quality. They are really comfortable sandals with minimalist designs that do not force you to sacrifice looking good and being fashionable for comfort or the quality of the materials.
Although most of the experiences have been wonderful , we agree that one of the biggest challenges when working with your family is separating the family things from the business aspects . It is important not to let them affect us, as well as to always work with respect, clear objectives and taking into account the values that we have as a family because our vision and objective are the same .
Now that we work together, our father-son relationship has evolved a lot. I love working with Jorge because he has a fresh new vision for the company and something this experience has taught me is to trust my children's instincts. On our trip to León, he got involved with the suppliers, looking for the best materials and when he asked for my opinion, he only added something extra to his idea.
With my children by my side, we are planning to expand Regina Romero . Romi, my daughter , has been working hard in the export area to take our products to new frontiers , in addition to expanding beyond footwear. Always rescuing the values of the brand that are worth taking to the world of fashion.

For people who are thinking of starting a family business , we want to tell you that it is not an easy task, but if you feel the same passion as your parents, follow it . At the end of the day, there is nothing better than being able to share that vision and trust in the abilities of others. The important thing is to know how to get ahead and get to what everyone wants and longs for, together as a family.
I am excited that, without it being an obligation , my children have wanted to be part of this company. Seeing them working directly with suppliers or in the factory reminded me of when they were little and I would take them to the factory.
Jorge loved to see the manufacturing process , he would cover heels, lift boxes, etc. I always thought « I wish that when he grows up, he will be as passionate about this as I am. » Now he is older and has his own ambitions to expand the brand, he not only wants to improve, he wants to take it further and it is something in which I am willing to accompany him.

Alejandra Martínez
Buenas tardes, cómo siempre sus publicaciones, son para mí, muy motivadoras. Tenemos un negocio familiar de calzado soy la segunda generación, y amo vender zapatos. Que Dios los siga bendiciendo 👏
Marcela Serrano
Felicidades a ese negocio familiar…mucho éxito!!
Luz Gil
Estoy preparando unas lindas fotos para tí en homenaje a tu mami y a la historia que me ha hecho su cliente desde hace tantos años.