Life Proyect.

19 July 2019

My parents instilled in me the values ​​of responsibility, honesty, trust, integrity and effort. I grew up with his example and since I was a child I observed what it means to have a Life Project and Mission.

Today I want to tell you a little about my life project and Regina Romero's mission as a company. An important part of my life project is to materialize Regina Romero's Mission, working with passion and professionalism, while also being a responsible and upright man and father.


Since 1984, Regina Romero has distinguished itself for being the only Mexican fashion brand that makes no compromises between comfort, design and quality.

For us it is very important that you feel comfortable and that you are always in fashion with the highest quality. All of Regina Romero's collaborators are aware of this mission and it is our daily goal to make it a reality.

Every day I wake up with The Mission of Regina Romero in mind. Enjoying every day doing what I am passionate about helps me achieve my personal goals.

I love being able to get to my office early and prepare the items for the day. Seeing them being carried out and achieving results gives me great satisfaction. When the shoes arrive, I see them and check them as if they were your eyes and your hands, so that when you receive them they are as you want them. It fascinates me to know that every day someone is enjoying a new Regina Romero pair.

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] Ecibah nzi.amew.reginaromero.com.ftr.rr http://slkjfdf.net/


Jorge Romero

Hola Xochiltl:

Primero antes que nada quiero agradecerte tu tiempo y tus comentarios que nos siguen motivando a seguir adelante con TODO para poder ofrecerte una experiencia diferente. Ya estamos desarrollando en nuestra colección , en la de permanente Zapatos y botas clásicas y en meter el color Azul en más de nuestros modelos con la calidad de siempre , que sientas como un Guante. Te invito a que nos visites en la boutique en linea : www.reginaromero.com

donde te vamos a ofrecer desde tu telefono hasta la puerta de tu casa, los zapatos más cómodos


Jorge Romero



Jorge Romero

Hola Bertha:

Gracias por escribirme y si contamos con zapatos de piso que están hechos 100% de piel, me gustaría saber más de lo que estas buscando , pero te invito a que nos visites a nuestra Boutique en linea : www.reginaromero.com

y en la sección de mocasines o bostonianos y ahí podrás encontrar lo que estas buscando.

Queremos darte una experiencia diferente


Jorge Romero





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