Fashion in the New Reality.

20 March 2021

We are one year away from having declared confinement by COVID-19 in Mexico. The world is not the same and neither are we . After 365 days in our homes, we have adapted. Our tastes and needs in terms of fashion and style changed . The way we shop, the materials we look for, and the features we need are different.

Not only that, the way of displaying new trends and collections has also changed. In 2020 , virtual fashion shows and catwalks were held for the first time. In addition, masks are a new element that is here to stay. Today, we want to share with you some of the trends that revolutionized the world of fashion and footwear .



During the last few months, designers and fashion brands in general have become aware of how important it is to choose natural materials instead of synthetic ones . The use of skins , product of meat industry residues , in footwear has had a 'boom' never seen before. When it comes to textiles, cotton , linen and even organic coconut fibers are making a comeback as favorites for our clothing.

Gone are the items made of “ faux fur ”, plastic and viscous fabrics that harm the environment .



It is a fact that handwork and/or craftsmanship have greater attention to detail than anything that can be mass produced. A pair of handmade shoes, for example, always have the factor of being unique pieces . Each one of the details is unrepeatable because manual work is never exact .

These types of articles are not always synonymous with quality. You have to look for those who manufacture with love, passion and craft .



It is important to know who, or who, we support with our purchases . Brands that have a face, that we know who is behind each piece, have added value compared to large corporations or brands with “fantasy” names.

Knowing the stories of these people who strive every day to improve their businesses and work with dedication, makes us feel closer . They even give us more confidence and security than others.

It makes a big difference when a company "hides" behind a fancy name, than when a person uses his own name , that is, "shows his face".

Coco Chanel, Salvatore Ferragamo, Tom Ford, Carolina Herrera, Macario Jiménez, Lorena Sarabia, Regina Romero, Regina Castillo are some examples of brands named after their creators.



The minimalist movement can be defined as " living with the essentials or the bare minimum ". After 365 days confined to our homes and many 'declutters', the minimalist mentality exploded in most of the world. Classic silhouettes and timeless styles fill every woman's wardrobe .

Now, when making purchases, we choose to have few good quality products , rather than many fast fashion ones . Fashion is an investment and those models with “avant-garde” hints are the ideal ones to wear and collect .



Uncomfortable designs, heels that hurt, etc. They are things of the past . Sayings like "beauty hurts" already represents us. If we learned something good this year, it is that to look beautiful, the main thing is to feel comfortable . The reality is that a good pair of shoes should not hurt you.

In addition to this, comfort is not synonymous with being untidy or neglected. Flexible , soft styles that allow freedom of movement without abandoning fashion trends come super strong.



In the last year, they came to light that the benefits of consuming local are many. The best known and most widespread are, obviously, the economic ones . When we choose national products, we not only stimulate the internal economy of the country , we also help our market to be less dependent on imports.

If you want to know more about the benefits of local consumption, do not hesitate to visit our article “ Consume Responsible, Consume Mexicano Pt. 2.


These months have taught us that it is better to choose quality over quantity . This comes hand in hand with the minimalist mindset. Now, while we make our purchases, it is more common for us to invest in quality products , which are a little more expensive, in many items without added value.

At Regina Romero we are proud to be able to provide not only quality footwear that meets the highest industry standards . Each shoe is a piece of tradition and experience . Learn more about this topic in our article “ Quality or Quantity?



They say that the wise learn by listening to other people . And, when it comes to shopping, it is no exception. Listening, reading and knowing the opinions of other consumers helps us make informed purchases . In addition to knowing from a direct source if the product that we are going to acquire meets our expectations and needs .

As a company , the comments , feedback and good wishes of our clients are what drive us to move forward day after day .

We are not perfect, nobody is, however we always seek to offer the highest quality and comfort ; when we make a mistake, we always do our best to make it right.

Regina Romero is the real name of our founder, she is also my mother, I can assure you that she, as well as my children Romina and Jorge, take the equipment and I are committed to making each purchase a positive experience of quality, comfort and elegance. .


This was a year full of learning and self - knowledge . Fashion, like any human phenomenon, was affected by confinement and new needs. Adapting the styles was a challenge for future collections.

What other aspects of fashion do you think were affected? Do you think these changes were for the better?

Tell us in the comments!

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Aida Franco

Son unos zapatos muy cómodos y lo que me gusta que son de piel y hechos a mano lo que me da confianza de adquirirlo, lo lamentable es que me he quedado con ganas de algunos modelos como los llamado JOCY azul marino y las botas blancas. Ojalá y los vuelvan a saca


Mónica Fernández Treviño

Son una belleza de zapatos y cómodos. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo en el uso de materiales acordes a lo que vivimos y de alta calidad. Yo considero que es mejor invertir en un calzado o prenda que sea con un estilo atempiral, que gastar poco en algo que dejará de usarse pronto. Menos y con mayor calidad es lo de hoy.
Felicidades por ser la empresa que soo. Y me fijo en los hermosos detalles que tienen a la entrega de un zapatos. La caja, el cubre polvo, la información del calzado.
En realidad son una empresa de gran prrstigio por lo cuidadosos que son en cada detalle.
Les extiendo un fuerte abrazo.
Y les deseo un año de transformación que los llene a todos los que colaboran en Regina Romero al éxito y la permanencia en el gusto del guardaropa de cada mujer mexicana o extranjera. 😊🤗🌸


Maria Del Rosario Alemán Alemán

Les quiero comentar. Mi papá fue zapatero, y por lo tanto me precio de saber lo qué es la calidad en zapato, y me encantan su marca ya que tienen varios modelos que se parecen a los que hacia mi papi , pero cómo que les faltan modelos más femeninos y más finos, ya qué los siento un poco toscos. Me quede con unas ganas inmensas de comprar unos botines blancos qué me parecían muy femeninos pero se agotaron muy rápido.



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