Mexico is one of the countries with the greatest cultural and natural diversity on the planet . Some of our traditions are so old that they date back to pre-Hispanic times. In 2010, Mexican gastronomy was declared an Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO , and in 2019, Mexico City reached a total of 156 museums , being the city with the most museums in the world , followed by London, Paris and Madrid. Mexico is a country with a lot of diversity to offer us, despite this, many times we decide to buy foreign brands .
Sometimes it's for convenience or because we don't have a choice . But sometimes it is because we do not know the true value of our products . Mexico has an excellent workforce in all sectors (design, automotive, shoemaking, textiles, etc.)

Experts point out that buying Mexican is the smartest and most responsible option , because it helps to enrich our country in addition to many extra benefits.
Several years ago, buying foreign products was synonymous with status . It was believed that having an imported and expensive product was synonymous with quality , we did not know about Mexican design and manufacturing. Today we know that exclusivity and quality are what brings status.
Malinchismo is a colloquial term that refers to the belief that what is foreign, in general, is better than what is Mexican. That mentality is now obsolete . Informed citizens are aware that it is not necessary to go to imports because the national product has the best designs, quality and workmanship.

Mexico has a wide repertoire of Mexican artists and designers who have won the applause of the most demanding critics. To get to know them, we invite you to read our blog “ We celebrate Mexican design. ”

One of the biggest challenges facing consumers around the world is choosing products for their quality and true value . In some circumstances we get carried away by advertising and fashion without looking at quality indicators. To achieve this , you have to look beyond the origin of the product or the reputation of the brand.
SMEs (small and medium enterprises) contribute with more than 90% of jobs in the country . By choosing national products, we strengthen the internal economy of the country and support Mexican families whose jobs depend on these companies. At Regina Romero we have spent more than 35 years striving to demonstrate that what is done in Mexico is well done .

The benefits of buying Mexican are many. The best known and most widespread are, obviously, the economic ones. W hen we choose domestic products , we not only stimulate the country's domestic economy, we also help make our market less dependent on imports .

In the long run, this increases the value of our currency and prevents devaluations . In addition, when companies also commit to using only Mexican raw materials, it becomes a circle of well-being that provides higher incomes for producers and fairer wages and working hours for workers. This is how we maintain the economic flow within Mexico .

However, there are other advantages of domestic consumption that are little known but just as important. One of these is that in Mexico, which is such a diverse country, the supply of products of any kind is broader in many sectors, such as gastronomy and design. This gives them the added value of exclusivity . In today's fashion world, the trends used in 'street wear' are dictated by Fast Fashion transnational companies . This creates a homogeneous style of dress in much of society.

One of the benefits best known by manufacturers but not widely known is quality . In Mexico we have hard-working, ingenious and dedicated people who, when they have a well-learned trade, do it with love .

This gives incredible quality to the items we produce. Many times this quality compares to and even exceeds that of luxury brands . Comfort, manufacturing and quality of materials is equal to or better in Mexico than abroad. And, best of all, the price is much more accessible .
Regina Romero is a proudly Mexican company . Throughout more than three decades we have developed our own style, always betting on Mexican talent . Our quality is governed by the highest quality standards in the industry with the added bonus of supporting Mexican families. Choosing us implies an exchange of Mexicans for Mexicans .

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Carolina Olvera
Quiero cambiar unos zapatos que me acaban de llegar me quedan muy apretados tengo juanetes cuál recomienda algún que esté más ancho por favor
Rocío Hernández
El concepto de sustentabilidad es mas amplio de lo que ustedes describen en el artículo. La riqueza y la diversidad de nuestro país va mas allá de un artículo utilitario y no creo que sea sustentable utilizar pieles cuando ya existen en el mercado otras alternativas. Por esta razón no compro esta marca y promuevo que otros no la compren. Si un producto contamina o implica crueldad hacia los animales no es sustentable.