Quality, from its origin, implies beauty. This attribute is not measured only by a result, but also by the process and attention given to details to form something, whether tangible or abstract, and which coexist in a perfect and visible synergy before the eyes of others.
I think that, to achieve the best quality, it is important that it comes from the origin. In our case, this quality is one of our brand pillars. If you want to know a little more about the values that have guided us for almost forty years, you can read our blog “The Pillars of Regina Romero” .
After a design is conceived, there follows the important task of materializing it and dressing it appropriately. When I select a leather, I think about the finish of the final product.
We review each one with great attention and care; a care that involves everything from its choice for quality to its correspondence with the trends of the season: unique textures and colors that will always make you be in fashion.
left model lorena / right. aura model
Leather is a material with unique qualities. It looks and is resistant, but its appearance surprises the touch with its softness and flexibility. In addition, it is the best material for the care and comfort of your feet.
At Regina Romero we seek to ensure that each pair of shoes is a genuine delight for the feet. The quality of the leather is closely linked to the comfort of your shoes.

María del Carmen
Muchas gracias. Por la información , soy cliente de ustedes y lo seguiré siendo por su atención y su calidad en el trabajo muchas felicidades , Saludos a la Sra. Regina Romero