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Shoe is written with "H".

18 June 2019

Regarding Father's Day, today I share with you some of the things I learned from my father, Carlos Romero Huxley, (RIP) since I was a child. Over the years, these teachings have been strengthened and, along with those of my mother, who turned 86 yesterday, today they are part of the backbone of Regina Romero and I have them impregnated in my being. Every day I try to be an example for my two beloved children, Romina and Jorge.


Jorge Romero in the factory.

Shoe is written with "H" for last .

Structure is the most important thing in a shoe and it starts with the last. Among the aspects to consider are:

  • That the measurements are ergonomic.

  • That adapts to the Mexican foot.

  • Heels must be made to fit the last. Many manufacturers, to save money, only adapt heels that they buy in bulk; For this reason, many shoes when using them or you go out of your mouth or the tip is stopped.

  • The tip should be at the forefront of fashion and not squeeze the toes.


The structure materials that go inside and you never see them, must be of the highest quality:

  • Plant

  • Counterhorse

  • Interlining

  • bushing

These materials are the base, which makes a good shoe last much longer. At Regina Romero, some of these materials are imported from Italy, since in Mexico we are one of the few that use the highest quality.


Carlos Romero Huxley and Jorge Romero Calzada ** Regina Calzada de Romero and Jorge Romero

But above all, it taught me that the most important thing is:

  • Never lose common sense and sense of humor.

  • Give 100% to what I do, without losing sight of the fact that Regina Romero's goal is to be the best shoe in Mexico.

Dad, I remember you with all my love, with your great sense of humor and generosity. Thank you for everything you taught me. -. Jorge Romero.


Jorge Romero with his children.

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Jorge Romero

Hola Patricia :

Para nosotros este es nuestro objetivo, poder darte el producto que estas buscando hecho con mucho amor y pasión. Creemos en nosotros y en nuestro país.
Te agradesco que te hayas tomado tu tiempo para comentar y esto nos da el porque de hacer las cosas muy bien, con altos valores que son heredados de nuestros padres , Regina y Carlos Romero.




Me encanta el calzado que fabrican, especialmente la calidad y buen gusto; gracias por colaborar en hacernos sentir orgullosos de ser mexicanos, y de hacernos sentir que aún en la situación por la que está pasando nuestro Mexico , haya personas como ustedes que siguen trabajando y creando no solo por el interés económico sino por el amor a Mexico y a hacer las cosas bien, demostrar con hechos que con amor, entrega, dedicación y altos valores se puede crear un hogar llamado Mexico 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Felicidades



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