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Zapatero Interview with Shark. pt 2

27 February 2021

In our previous blog we promised you a second part of the interview we had with Rodrigo Herrera , founding partner of Genomma Lab . In this second part, Rodrigo shares his tips for recognizing quality articles ; how to balance work life and private life and recommends us some of his favorite books .


If you want to read the first part of the interview where we talk about his predictions for the fashion market in Mexico, the importance of established brands and some tips for those looking to start a business , click here .

1. How do you distinguish a quality product?

RHA: For me, a quality product is a product that is always made to the same standard.


Being a quality product means that the consumer knows that what they are going to get is going to be what they buy and with the quality they are used to. That there are no variations between one product and another. And I think that's the most important thing for any consumer. In his case, it is that the quality of the leather, of the seams, of the sole of everything is maintained. With the same standard always. Many times for wanting to improve quality if it is not validated with the market, it gets worse.



2. For several decades, "responsible consumption" and "local consumption" have been closely linked to the environment. Do these types of purchases have a significant impact on the environment?

RHA : I think it is difficult to determine if behind this type of purchase there is the ecological awareness that is beginning to exist in some countries. The most important thing, as a consumer and as a company, is to do things with the aim of attacking the two biggest problems that exist, which go beyond issues that have to do with animal suffering, that is another issue, beyond That, there are two problems that are very serious.

The first, which is the carbon footprint, and the second, which is waste in general. So as long as businesses focus on lowering emissions as much as possible and avoiding waste that is harmful to the environment, I think they are doing work that the planet requires right now.

3. I would like to expand on this last question a bit more. Personally, how do you think that companies, and entrepreneurs in particular, can be more responsible with the planet?

RHA : Entrepreneurs and companies and people in general. One, carbon emissions. We have to lower carbon emissions as much as possible. Another is waste, of all kinds. You have to reduce plastic waste, mainly, and any other waste generated in the production process of your company that can pollute the environment.


If we do this, then we are really focusing on having a positive impact, which ultimately has a ripple effect. We must ensure that, as happened with carbon waste, in a negative way, now the same thing happens with actions that help the environment, in all aspects, it can only be achieved all together.


4. As a father of three children and founder of one of the most important pharmaceutical companies in Mexico, what advice can you give to mothers and fathers who, like you, work and seek to balance work and family?

RHA : The first is that they work with passion and enjoy what they do. If not, they should do everything possible to get out of the job where they are and look for something they like to do and do it with passion, because it's not worth coming here to suffer, that's the first thing. And another, that they share with family and friends, that they share the greatest amount of time and experiences, because finally everything material, economic leaves few memories against the experiences that can be had with their children or loved ones. . So, be very happy working, and that work is not a job, that it be a passion that when you do it, time flies by.

5. You are a spokesperson for the importance of reading in the personal growth of individuals. Can you recommend five books that have changed the way you see the world?

RHA : Yes. There is one that helps you a lot to guide you and know where you have to go called Leading from purpose by Nick Craig. Then there is another one that I recommend, that I like very much, which is by Ray Dalio, called Principles , which is about business principles.


Another book that I also consider to be very, very important is called The Body . It explains everything that happens around your body, the organs, and then you appreciate life in a different way and take care of yourself in a different way. A novel that had a great impact on me and helps me to see how to act when you have money and when you don't, is Cain & Abel by Jeffrey Archer. And a fifth that is definitely on the subject of marketing, which is a subject that I am very passionate about, is Building a Story Brand , it is a great subject and today everyone has to know about digital marketing.


6. Lastly, what advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?

RHA : To my 20-year-old self I would say… Learn more about technology, start reading more and spend more time with your parents and with your family.


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Rocio Ruano Nieto

Muy buena entrevista, conozco al Sr. Herrera porque a mi hermano Alberto con discapacidad le dio la oportunidad de trabar en su empresa Genomma Lab, siempre lo trato muy bien. Y siempre le estaremos agradecidos es un magnifico ser humano.


Araceli resendiz

Extraordinaria entrevista ,aprender de personas disciplinadas y con conocimientos de negocios ,gracias por la recomendación de los libros ,muy interesantes ,saludos desde Querétaro



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