It all starts with a dream...

7 November 2020

At Regina Romero we are excited to share our experience, wisdom and happiness with each of our clients , since they are our main engine to continue working every day with passion and love for our art . Today I want to share with you about the process that goes into each of the shoes that we create especially for you .
Each one of our models starts from a collective dream of bringing to you, the best shoes in Mexico . An idea that began several years ago with our founder Regina Romero and that is preserved every day to give you a product of the highest quality, with exclusive designs, a great passion in the art of shoemaking and attention to detail. peerless customer.
As you can read here, there are many people involved in this art of footwear, and although you do not know all of them personally, each one of them works enthusiastically every day to preserve this dream that began with the vision of a Mexican woman .
When talking about a shoe, we can imagine ourselves in a large number of styles, colors, heights, but each one of them begins with the vision and creativity of our designer.
After making hundreds of sketches , a small group meets to decide which of those ideas are going to start becoming a reality .
Here, all your dreams as customers are present , since our network and customer service representative is in this group, who gives us your ideas, suggestions and even names for future collections .
After the drawings are chosen, we develop the necessary specifications so that our modeller transfers that sketch in a series of strokes on a last to create the initial (the first mold to create the shoe).
This is one of the most complex processes, since it requires the mastery of knowing how to transform a 2D drawing to a curved surface (last) and then pass it back to a flat surface and thus have the molds that will be used to cut each material. .
It is a coming and going from flat to curved, so every millimeter counts , so that when you receive it, it is exactly as you imagined it. Comfortable, beautiful, timeless and most importantly, that you feel spectacular and full of confidence when using them.
Continuing with the process, we must send this initial to the factories, where our collaborators begin the important task of transforming the molds and leathers selected especially for each model, into a new shoe that we hope, when we present it in the next collection, will become another of your favorites.
At this stage, as we have mentioned in previous blogs, hundreds of processes are carried out, so we have many hands to intervene in each of them and offer you a high-quality product .
One of them is the one that receives the pieces, skins and materials that are needed to create the new model. Subsequently, it goes to our cutters who select the best section of leather for each of the pieces, continuing with the stitchers who dedicatedly join each one.
Then, they come to the assembly stage in which the lining and upper (the upper part of the shoe) are carefully placed on the last to give the shoe its shape and dimension.
Finally, they go to the stage of gluing the sole and decoration, who with a lot of love, clean and detail the shoe so that it arrives in perfect condition to our warehouse. Between each of these processes, there are countless more, but this is the basic recipe of what it involves to create each one of them .
Once shipped to our warehouse, we once again have a special team review them to ensure that the comfort and essence of the original design is found in each one .
Sometimes it is necessary to go back and correct details , in other cases they become a favorite and continue their process to become part of the new collection. This stage is how it happens in our lives , sometimes the day is perfect without any setbacks, other times we need to stop, breathe and see how we achieve the dream we had at the beginning . But in the end, we are always committed to guaranteeing you the best shoes of all.
Finally, once corrected and approved, we have another team dedicated to choosing those who we believe will become your best allies for each outing, event or even to have in the comfort of your home. It is a long and difficult job, since it is never easy to leave some of our dreams behind , but we know that by dedicating those moments, we also guarantee your happiness and excitement when receiving a new pair of Regina Romero .
We created all this at least 1 year before, so when the time comes to see that dream become a reality, it is when it finally appears on our page, on the different physical sales sites and even on each of our networks. .
And to achieve this, we have even more of our team involved, since to offer you the highest quality we need the best. They are all of them who for several hours have dedicated their days to having the perfect photographs , those who have been creating the options to display on the different digital sites and those who have been planning how to show what began as a dream on paper, in a reality.
So that you, like all of us who have taken that first idea through each of its stages, manage to fall in love with the smell, the details, the comfort, the style , everything that this new model involves in your life.
So to finish, on behalf of the entire team, we hope that each pair of Regina Romero will lead you to fulfill every dream that you set for yourself, since accompanying you at each stage, just as we do when creating each one of our shoes, fills us with emotion and pride of being able to transmit what began with the dream of a Mexican woman to each of those new places where you have hundreds of dedicated hands to fulfill with excellence every day . - Alejandra Rodriguez
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Moisés Duarte

Me encantó la analogía de detallar zapatos con hacer una pausa en la vida para respirar para luego terminar una obra maestra. Increíble todo el trabajo qué hay detrás. Felicidades! :)


Jorge Henao

Alejandra, que interesante manera descriptiva como el sueño de Regina sigue vigente y se convierte tambien en el sueño de cada uno de sus colaboradores, bajo la inspiracion de la diseñadora que convierte ese sueño e ideas en realidad, creando bajo la colaboracion del equipo de trabajo un calzado que viene a cumplir las ecpectativas de miles de clientes que sueñan con un calzado de calidad y vanguardia en su diseño. Felicitaciones a todo el equipo en especial a la diseñadora que tiene un sueño en grande frente al diseño del calzado.


Gabriela Rodríguez

Excelente página. El proceso de fabricación y modelos de zapatos de esta marca son excepcionales tanto por diseños, como por materiales. Felicidades!




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