Regina Romero in the digital age: Google for Mexico

3 October 2024

Today, there is no person who does not know Google and at least part of its great advances in technological development. These implementations have been reflected, especially in recent years, as a drive and support for progress at various cultural, economic and social levels worldwide.
Mexico is an extremely important territory for Google. Julian Coulter, general director of Google Mexico, maintains that our country is among the ten nations that use Google the most in the world. This is why Google for Mexico was born , an initiative to share solutions that promote the digital transformation of our country.
In the 2023 edition of Google for Mexico, presented at the Palacio de Minería on November 8, our brand was selected as one of the participants in this great event. Google approached us by recognizing us as a highly prestigious company with a great track record.
From left to right: Jorge Romero, Mark Westphalen, Julian Coulter, Montserrat Vega and Sabrina Herrera.
This selection of companies is made based on certain criteria being met, such as quality, excellence and leadership. Chosen as an extraordinary company, Google Mexico visited our offices to record a video that would be presented on the day of the event.
Marcos Westphalen, our presenter to the audience and director of customer solutions in Latin America at Google, commented that it is very important to bring the enormous potential of technology to small, micro and medium-sized businesses, which represent 99.8% in Mexico.
For this event, the Google logo was dressed with representative illustrations of natural and architectural motifs of our country.
This is a great story to tell, in which we can see that a well-guided leading technology can help us scale profitably. Google, our great ally, was kind enough to present us in a video where we could see the great results of everything that is being done in Mexico. You can see this video here.
Regina Romero, of course, is located within the universe of small, micro and medium-sized companies. Over the years, we have grown and evolved, getting closer and connecting with the digital age. My mother, Regina Calzada de Romero, founded this brand together with my father in 1984. From that moment on, it expanded in such a way that we managed to have nine physical stores and sell in the best department stores in the country.
But times change, and the entry of Chinese footwear represented a dangerous challenge for us. Mexico began to receive gigantic batches of poor quality shoes at a very cheap price. Competing against this entry, at the time, put us in a serious situation: of the nine physical stores, only one remained.
An invitation from 1990 showing our old points of sale throughout the Republic.
Renewal is key to survival. And the world was renewed thanks to the digital age. In that sense, Google is a great partner for us. Almost all of our first contacts with clients derive from a Google search and 70% of our sales are completely online.
Our search on Google
After the closure of our old physical store, in Presidente Masaryk, we ventured into electronic commerce, giving great results: the digital universe was a space of growth to such a degree that it showed us new horizons and curiously, it also took us back. to the physical world, with our boutique in Mount Lebanon, opened in February 2020.
The modernization of our image is visible from your boutique to our current way of working
The vision and commitment of Google Mexico, in the words of its director, is focused on “...ensuring that Mexicans have access to quality information, better jobs, tools to grow their businesses and opportunities to create inclusive communities.” and egalitarian.”
regina romero google for mexico
Much of this vision touches our brand. We want to offer high quality footwear for Mexican fashion and, as a company located in that 99.8% that I told you about, we generate jobs that range from our master shoemakers, creatives, filmmakers, warehousemen, marketing specialists, etc., in a conducive environment for it to be a pride to work at Regina Romero, as well as a pride for you to dress us.
Each pair we make involves hundreds of hands, ideas, processes and people
That is why Google Mexico has turned to see us as one of the companies that contribute to its vision and gave us a preview of BART, its new artificial intelligence. Between celebrities, attendees and the press, as well as various interactive museums, we enjoyed this great invitation. Be sure to watch our video here!





Image from <a href="https://www.freepik.es/foto-gratis/mujer-escritorio-trabajando_9143088.htm#query=mujer%20viendo%20pantalla%20laptop&position=9&from_view=search&track=ais&uuid=56b4ce5a-97f1-4cca -8425-cdbbb3a06266">Freepik</a>

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Martha E. Ramírez C.

La comodidad de los zapatos Regina Romero es garantíia por su piel y suela de de cuero y aunada a sus diseños contemporáneos y variedad de modelos adecuados a toda ocasión, nos conquistan. Me encantan sus modelos. Felicidades por continuar en el mercado a pesar de todos los inconvenientes presentados y facilitar la compra en línea. Conozco la marca desde años atrás.Enhorabuena!!!!


Emilia Vela Rivera

A través del tiempo he tenido de sus hermosos modelos y sólo me resta decir… Felicidades 🎉


Alfa Bracho

En hora buena, me encantan.




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