The word fashion comes from the Latin modus and means mode or measure . Fashion is defined as a " set of clothing, adornments and accessories based on tastes, uses and customs that are used by the majority during a certain period of time and that will set trends according to its duration."

During the Middle Ages , but especially in the Baroque period, well into the 17th century , the aristocracy was characterized by making use of fashionable clothing as a way to display its political, economic and cultural power . They used extravagant garments , full of adornments, details and symbolism, turning the monarchs into the inevitable figures to imitate .

Louis XIV of France "the sun king" was one of the figures who never hesitated to show off his unrivaled sense of fashion.

It was thanks to these characters that little by little, fashion was consolidated as one of the preferred means to express individuality . The first "modern" fashion houses were established in the mid-19th century , with Hermès and Louis Vuitton being some of the oldest, founded in 1837 and 1846 respectively.

Although in their beginnings many of these institutions specialized in a specific product —for example, Hermés was dedicated to making saddles— over time they evolved to cover the entire spectrum of the world of image and beauty thanks to their unparalleled quality and innovative ideas . Today the largest and most important fashion houses such as Chanel, Versace or Dior cover a line of products that ranges from perfumes, makeup, accessories, in short, all fashion clothing and cosmetics.

Also in the 19th century , specifically in the England of the Industrial Revolution , factories were also born as establishments dedicated to mass-making articles . In factories you can find everything from clothing to products for daily life , all aimed at reaching as many people as possible.

There are differences between a fashion house and a factory that go far beyond the great tradition that one carries compared to the other. A good example is that a fashion house is dedicated to creating trends . They are avant-garde institutions , in charge of shaping the path that consumers will follow in the following years. In addition, they are led by innovative minds , capable of reflecting the ideals and values of the institution they represent: the designers .

It should be noted that fashion houses undoubtedly require factories to make their items. However, fashion houses are so exacting with their quality standards that an ordinary factory cannot imitate a genuine piece .

Regina Romero is more than a place where shoes and accessories are made. We are a 100% Mexican company , with values and family bases with almost 40 years of experience . Here we take care of creating trends , always taking care of the essence that characterizes us; innovating in everything that has to do with footwear , from techniques and materials , to designs, colors, shapes and silhouettes .
Excelente trabajo, gracias por su información
Muy interesante el reportaje sobre la moda para darnos una idea de todo lo que ha detrás de sus originales creaciones, Calidad, Moda, Variedad y comodidad.
Desde hace muchos años fui fan de Prada pero empecé a usar REGINA ROMERO y me encanto! Cliente totalmente satisfecha con tu marca. Además tus precios más accesibles.