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Forever, Regina Romero

25 November 2023

In the era of the most absolute liquidity, ironically, the idea of ​​permanence in time seduces us; A notion that emanates small notes of enduring presences throws us into a constant search that strives to treasure for a long time everything that it achieves to find meaning in our lives.
Suzette model
We wish, tirelessly, that everything lasts in the time in which we inhabit our small perpetuity. Living in an environment that creates and builds from the volatile and the exhaustible makes us see everything that lasts as an invaluable treasure.
Fairy model
In fashion, this idea has taken on a silent force that manifests itself as a profound rejection of models such as fast fashion and the growth of brands that seek to create lasting objects, of high design, luxury and quality that make them permanent. Shoes, for their part, are unique pieces that we seek to use again and again, in many times and seasons, so timelessness becomes essential.
Sibil model
This struggle with time has a lot to do with the selection of materials, but it never excludes creativity. Our designer follows individual processes that she integrates into each of the collections to turn each model into a timeless icon.
Our designer wears one of her favorites, the Charlotte model
What she does so that the designs have that quality is to look for a common thread in each of the collections. The pieces in a collection form a synergy that is reflected in many of its details and finishes.
The common thread gives longevity to the models, despite the obvious evolution of the designs. Let's think about the square silhouette, for example, which is present in several of our loafers and sneakers. This silhouette provides structure and, as it appears in various types of shoes, it gives uniformity.
The square silhouette is placed on the back and is found on several models, such as our Judy loafer and the Rania sneaker
An action that is also of vital importance is to reinterpret trends in such a way that they can be related to the brand. For example, an amazing tone like silver adapts and is incorporated into designs that never go out of style.
Rose model
Risks and innovation are taken delicately so that trends surround the collections, only they are adapted so that they survive the passing of the years.
Windsor model
On the other hand, color is another fundamental element to illuminate this eternity. Our designer generally works with two color palettes: the first, much more serene, with neutral tones and her touch palette. The latter is a series of colors for small touches that inspire exclusivity and spontaneity.
Our flagship sneaker, the Regina Pump 75 , is one of the classic models that has survived decades and easily carries the trends of each season.
The key, in reality, is not a secret. It is, in its simplicity and complexity, knowing how to make the classics evolve; renew them and give them contemporary touches without modifying the essence of each shoe style.
Tamara model
Finally, in many shoes, the hardware is a crown that governs the passage of time. These classic ornaments, beautiful and 14k gold plated, give them a long life cycle.
Cassie model
By doing this we hope that, once you choose Regina Romero, it becomes a decision that involves two eternal moments: forever, when you choose us over other brands, discovering our values ​​and promise; and forever, given its creation made to survive the ages and the durability of the high quality materials selected for our footwear.
Elizabeth model
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Marisela Chacón Reyes

Me encantan todos los zapatos en especial los mocasines y tenis urbanos y ni que decir de la elegancia de las zapatillas, diseños, materiales y accesorios de alta calidad. Felicidades



Me encantan los zapatos, no me duelen mis pies y son de alta calidad. Por favor por favor, ya hagan otra tanta de la bota madona. Estoy ansiosa por comprarla y no; hasta que llegue primavera . Gracias


Claudia García Pérez

Felicidades a Regina Romero. Son zapatos de una excelente calidad. Además algo que lo hace más destacado como empresa es su personal, siempre están atentos en la garantía de.calidad, esto es algo formidable. Empresa de Calidad !!!



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