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Why did I decide to open an online boutique?

26 May 2019

Many of you ask me why we opened the online boutique? In 1983 I graduated from the Industrial and Systems Engineering degree at the Tecnológico de Monterrey at the Campus of the State of Mexico. Since then, I have gone from punch cards, to fax, to using the computer for accounting and management systems. Today is to connect with our clients directly. Technology has always been our ally, because although our more than 90 processes are almost all manual and we use traditional techniques and tools to make a good shoe, at Regina Romero we have relied on modern technology for the rest of our the systems used in the company.


This digital age brings many advantages, such as being able to share with you through this medium. It also gives us the opportunity to be able to bring our products to cities where they did not have access to them before. Another factor at this time is time. Your time is very valuable and my intention is to be able to offer you, from the comfort of wherever you are, you can obtain, with a few clicks , the best shoes in Mexico. An advantage of offering our shoes in the online boutique is that you can select the model, size and color without having to go to shopping centers to find that the shoe you want is not in your number in that store.


I understand that shopping online can be unreliable for some people. This is why we have created a new digital concept, to which we are giving our personal touch so that you always feel confident that behind there is a team that is committed to what we are passionate about and is ready to serve you. .

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Jorge Romero

Hola María:

Primero antes que nada quiero agradecerte tu tiempo y los comentarios que nos pones, pensando en tus necesidades, hemos creado dos lineas con tacón entre 4.5 y 5 cm en nuestra boutique en linea :

puedes encontrar los modelos Lara, Camelia,Diana, Tea, Truflle y otros más.

Ojalá puedas comentarme de esta experiencia de entrar en la boutique de Regina Romero en linea para así poder mejorar y ver si encontraste lo que desees


Jorge Romero



María Isidra Ruiz Rios

Hola me encanta la línea de calzado que ofrecen, desde luego por lo que veo, pura calidad, pregunta hacen calzado personalizado? Mi pregunta va porque veo modelos muuy bonitos pero, en tacón alto y mi medida de tacón es de 4 1/2 a 5 Muchas gracias por su atención y muuchaas felicidades.


Jorge Romero

Hola Ma. de Lourdes :

Gracias por tu tiempo y tus comentarios que nos hacen ser cada día mejores.

espero pronto que me digas que tan cómodos son los zapatos de Regina Romero

visita nuestra boutique en linea:

En Tu primera compra te damos el 10% de descuento.


Jorge Romero




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