When we hear about a limited edition we think of small productions, special items, unique designs , and a long etcetera. However, naming a product as such is not just anything; it must meet several guidelines in order to be considered a limited edition .
Originally this concept was used to describe works of art such as books, photographs, prints, music, even movies. Lately this term has expanded its influence to name cars, drinks, jewelry , and , of course, shoes . By acquiring an item labeled as limited edition we are buying an extra value that is exclusivity .
For fashion houses , like Regina Romero , creating limited edition items is an entirely intentional process that takes a lot of background work. An exclusive product is a "non-fungible" or irreplaceable object that provides prestige and distinction to those who use it. These are unique pieces that are easily distinguished , quite the opposite of the mass production of fast fashion .
Unlike a shoe or clothing factory, fashion houses are in charge of creating trends. It is in these institutions that fashion trends are researched from season to season. It is designed according to the current situation , using suitable materials for the consumer and always concerned about quality instead of quantity. The designs that come out of the fashion houses are later recreated over and over again by factories and maquilas in infinite quantities.
That is why each Regina Romero collection starts with a small batch , and limited sizes of each model. In this way we not only avoid creating more products , but also ensure exclusivity and distinction in each of our pieces.
Iris Luna
Estoy totalmente consciente de esto, por eso, además de por la calidad la belleza y la comodidad de sus zapatos, me encanta esta marca, ya no compro otra!!!!!
Maria Hayashi
Es muy hernoso
Elda Aguila
Realmente son hermosos sus zapatos y la calidad es excelente, mucho mejor que el de muchos diseñadores de renombres costosos, que para mí solo llevan consigo la frase de: “Crea fama y échate a dormir”.
Creo que comprar zapatos que valen diez o veinte mil pesos o incluso más, de plástico, pero que llevan el nombre de un fulano no es un gran negocio.
Al menos no para mí.
El único inconveniente que veo de comprar zapatos en línea Regina Romero, son las tallas y las hormas de cada par de zapatos.
No obstante, son de los mejores zapatos de nuestro bello México.