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Myths and truths of the skin or leather.

29 June 2019

In my previous blog I pointed out some of the benefits that leather or leather has over synthetic, regarding practical and health issues for your feet. In this blog the focus is a current and very important issue. There is a lot of controversy regarding the impact on the environment. Although there are already some synthetic materials that are kinder than PVC or polyurethane, they are still the least used in the footwear industry. The skin or leather are by-products of the meat industry, with the exception of "exotic" skins, which we do not use at Regina Romero. According to some experts, leather has important advantages for the environment. Some important questions are:

Are animals farmed for their fur? Are they toxic to the ecosystem? Is leather biodegradable? Does leather or synthetic contaminate more? What is more durable?

Here are some of the myths and truths that revolve around the skin.



Leather is a renewable and sustainable material: being a by-product of the meat industry and degrading relatively quickly, its production and use do not greatly affect the planet.

Animals are raised to tan their skins: skin is a by-product of the meat industry, as long as meat is consumed, the material will exist.

Leather is an ecological product: Leather is rich in carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, elements that degrade quickly. The synthetic material does not degrade easily and releases micro-plastics as it does so.

Leather contains toxic substances: Leather made responsibly and with the highest technology avoids toxic chemicals such as Chromium and is made based on vegetable tanning such as chestnut and corn.

Leather can be recycled: Since the beginning of the 21st century, great efforts have been made to recycle as much leather as possible.

Synthetic materials are made from natural fibers: Synthetic materials are created based on petrochemicals.

Leather is a natural product: Few things are more natural than animal skin, which is largely protein, moisture and air.

Leather has a large carbon footprint: in a study the European Commission evaluated the environmental footprint of the animal's life cycle at 0.42%.


Since 1984, our purpose is to provide you with a product of international quality, created with the highest standards in the industry: we also have a commitment to the environment.

We are always aware of seeking the best for you and for our planet and as the industry evolves, we will continue to do so.

The fashion industry is beginning to develop some kinder materials for the ecosystem and for your feet, there is still a long way to go. While this happens, we will continue to use what we know today, which is the most natural, durable and best for your feet.

We are in a time when it is important to recycle and take care of our planet. At Regina Romero, we admire and respect all the people and companies that are conscientiously committed to doing so.


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Considero que existe mucha desinformación cuando se trata de cuero, sin embargo la sostenibilidad en cuero es posible, todo depende del tratamiento y manejo que se de al momento de producción, buen post!



Gracias por compartir siempre tan buena informacion. El cuero es uno de los mejores materiales de eso no hay duda. Por cierto les dejo una web que vende lotes de cuero de muy buena calidad https://curtidosmenacho.com/es/



Hola que tal!!
Quiero hacer una compra. La pregunta es si se puede hacer pago en Oxxo?

En otras ocasiones he realizado mi compra así, me llega un código para escanear a mi correo y con ese realizó mi pago en un Oxxo.

Se puede eso?



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