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The origins of Regina Romero.

28 November 2019

I have been asked how did Regina Romero start?

The story goes back to 1964 when my father Carlos associated with my uncle Juan Romero Huxley in the Cuauhtémoc Tannery in Monterrey.

Juan, Luz Maria, Guillermo and Carlos Romero Huxley

My uncle Juan learned in New York to tan leather. During those years the "boom" in Europe of a very soft skin that comes from the kid begins. In Mexico, it was not tanned and was not used either, since this skin is so fine that it requires knowing how to work it.

For many years, my dad and uncle tanned in Mexico and sold this and other types of leather in Europe, especially Italy.

regina rosemary origins

My parents were already married and my mom sometimes accompanied my dad on his trips to Europe. It was during these trips that my mother began to see the quality of the footwear that was made in Italy. He was fascinated by the quality of the workmanship and together with my father they decided to start manufacturing footwear in Mexico.

In 1973, already back in Mexico City, they set up the first factory called DÁngelo, and began the arduous task of manufacturing fine footwear for the first time in Mexico, following the Italian school of footwear. For many years we brought Italian experts and consultants to train us and the team.

Their first clients were El Palacio de Hierro and El Puerto de Liverpool for whom they manufactured their own brands. When I finished my Industrial Engineering studies in 1981, I joined the team with my parents, taking on the Manufacturing Management. My uncle Juan puts Lady Huxley in Monterey.

After more than 10 years, my mother has the vision of opening her own store and creating a brand with the name of a Mexican woman, that is how Regina Romero was born...

I invite you to read the BLOGS where there is more of the story of Regina Romero.

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Ángeles Echeveste V



Ángeles Echeveste V.

Regina Romero, bello nombre.
Poco he leído de su historia, seguiré haciéndolo.
El éxito de su sueño, es por la perseverancia y apoyo incondicional de la Familia.
¡Zapatos hermosos cómodos y de alta calidad!
¡Abrazos y bendiciones para cada uno de Ustedes!!


Charo Garza Treviño

Yo fui cliente por muchísimos años de LH por sus hormas eran las únicas en el país que manejaban anchos de todo tipo la sucrusal de Gomez Morin fue la última que visité hasta que desapareció y ahora a mis 60 años me daré el gusto con Regina Romero




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