The Essence of a Mother.

7 May 2022


Moms are amazing human beings who take care of us when we feel down, help us through challenges and challenges, celebrate our accomplishments no matter how big or small, and so much more. Anyway; We owe everything we are to our mothers , not only for carrying us in her womb for nine months, but also for raising us with tenderness and affection .



My mother, Regina Calzada de Romero , is an exemplary woman who from a young age fought to achieve her dreams , not only professionally , but also personally . For her, the family is the pillar of society . She strove to convey the value of family in everything she did, imbuing every part of her life with love, dedication, affection, care, commitment and perseverance .



This maternal essence was transmitted directly to our company, Regina Romero , soaking all these values ​​in each part of the process . Since we were little, she showed us that if things are made with love , they are things well done . That is why each pair of shoes is made with an unconditional and tireless love for our craft; dedication to our company, our family and affection for our clients. Always taking care of every detail of the development and with a professional commitment to quality.



Something that I
am personally grateful to my mother for is her constant company since, as long as I can remember, she has never left my side. His level of perseverance is, like that of no other person I know, something that I try to transmit in my work and person. That is why for all of us at Regina Romero , allowing us to accompany you every step of the way is a way of showing our affection .

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This May 10, I want to thank all the mothers, grandmothers, aunts and women in general who take care of us in a protective and affective way and help us grow as people on a daily basis. We express our love and respect through each exclusive pair of shoes that only a company with family values ​​has. It is a pride that you allow us to be part of your life , participate in the great moments and accompany your changes and transformations , just as my mother would.

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Gabriela de la Llata

Muy lindas palabras de un hijo que reconoce el esfuerzo, sacrificio y ejemplo de su mamá. No hay mejor regalo para una madre que ver hijos responsables, exitosos y comprometidos.


Sara Orduña Resendiz

que lindas palabras para describir a tu madre, que demuestran los valores que les ha inculcado y el amor por lo que hacen, felicidades a tu madre, abrazos con mucho afecto y admiración!!


Alma Yolanda morales

Que hermoso tributo a su madre, empresaria ejemplar , y a todas las madres de su familia y colaboradoras de su exitosa empresa. Felicidades!




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