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I'm In Love With My Shoes. Love that moves

24 May 2021

By: Victoria Pelaez Gil

To Don Manuel: man and machine in a single divine being.

The title of this note is a tribute to the famous Queen song –from the album A Night At The Opera– I'm In Love With My Car , written by the great Roger Taylor.


The lyrics of this rock hit consist of that peculiar affection that people have for the car. Although the love towards things is genuine – even when it comes to inanimate objects, material goods without the ability to feel – the bond that the human weaves with his belongings has been the subject of study, analysis and even the origin of the composition. by Taylor, who in each stanza expresses admiration, gratitude and affection for this machine that, in addition to serving as a vehicle, is, in the words of the composer of Queen, a friend with four wheels: “cars don't talk back, they're just four-wheeled friends now”.


This love for the car is more frequent in men, and it is that the car represents much more than a means of transportation; the car is an object that increases self-esteem, because the simple fact of giving us the gift of movement translates into freedom, power and an extension of the body. Everything that allows us to come and go, travel, arrive and leave wherever and whenever our decision implies, emotionally and affectively, much more than other objects that do not have that power.


Automatic, or manual? Those who are more skilled in driving a car tend to prefer the standard transmission car, while on a psychological level a feeling of power is activated that starts from the absolute control that the driver exercises over that machine that exceeds it in weight and size. : It's an ego thing. There are few drivers who understand the mechanism of the car or who know the mechanical and electronic enigmas that make cars move and work, so that being able to control them, despite the ignorance of what they keep inside, is, in addition to exciting, very nutritious for purposes of security and self-esteem.


No less important to highlight is the status part: the appearance, color, features and price of the car tell a story that fascinates and that everyone wants to display as part of their outfit (no matter what conditions or what size is the debt, but everyone who enjoys a good car rejoices to show it off and receive compliments about it).


And yes, women! We can flatly deny it and disguise our reality with speeches of simplicity about the fact that a nice car is not a charm that adds to a man the possibility that we accept a date with him: let us stop feeling ashamed to admit that a man aboard a car beautiful has an added appeal that we love; as much as they find it irresistible to see us mastering good shoes, new, clean, modern, elegant and that fit us perfectly. And it is! I'm in love with my shoes…


We women are in love, madly and fascinatingly in love, with our Regina Romeros for the same reasons –exactly the same– for which men love their cars: us on board our leather shoes, of magnificent colors, that shape us to the perfection, we see in that pair of shoes some leather friends that describe us, that move us, give us the power of ubiquity and of being remembered by those heels that gave us presence, security, poise, status and memorable steps that will say of we what without words we wanted to tell.


Everything that works as an extension of our body, to give us mobility, security and move here and there as, where and when we wish is worthy of the most genuine love and admiration that a person can profess to their most beloved assets, their friends. of soles, straps and heels that connect us with the world and with others on board in the most elegant and exquisite experience.


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