Making a vision come true: exporting Mexican products.

12 October 2019

Since I started working at Regina Romero, one of my main visions was to make our product, proudly Mexican , reach more places. Today this is a reality.

For a couple of years our goal has been to export a product of excellent quality and unique designs to the United States. This week, we shipped the first export orders of the AW-2019 season.

This result is a small sample of what we can achieve when we work as a team at Regina Romero. From the designs, the samples, the entire production process and attending the main fairs in the United States in NY, Las Vegas and Atlanta, to have everything ready in a timely manner and be able to deliver to the boutiques in the United States.

Harry's is the leading independent store in NY

Goler is a boutique specialized in mainly Spanish and Italian imported shoes , but when they saw our designs and the quality with which we work, they gave us the opportunity to have our models in their boutique.

They were impressed with our boot models and bought from us mainly Issa, Claire and Lea.

Also, they were interested in some floor models such as the Chapel, Margot and Brie sport.

For me, it is a pride to be able to put our products in the main markets of the United States. Being able to put the name of Mexico high knowing that our design, quality and commitment compete with international brands fills me with satisfaction.

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