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Hand made



The Process of Regina Romero.

6 August 2022

How many hands are involved in a pair of Regina Romero shoes?

A few weeks ago I enjoyed a splendid dinner with my family and some close friends. It was a magnificent moment from start to finish; from the welcome, the organization of the table, the crockery, the service and, of course, the food and drink.


As I ate, I began to reflect on the work that goes into each dish and how the small details that accompany it complete the experience . A pair of Regina Romero shoes is also a gourmet experience since, to bring each design to life, thousands of hands intervene directly and indirectly.

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In this article I tell you, in detail, about the industries that participate in the creation of footwear and the hands necessary to achieve it.

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For us, everything starts with the leather : the most important raw material in a pair of shoes. In several articles we have mentioned the origin of the skins and leathers that we use, and the value that these are friendly to the environment . We select only those skins that are by-products of the meat industry and that were ethically treated in the slaughterhouses. About 10,000 to 15,000 people participate in the leather industry, distributed among slaughterhouses , tanneries , furriers and tanners .


There are also two industries that, although they seem to have little or no relation to footwear, are vital for us: the textile industry and the metallurgical and mechanical industry . The first is the one that is in charge of providing elements such as interlinings , caps and buttresses , key pieces for an impeccable manufacture , which is made up of nearly 3,000 people .


The second, the metallurgical industry , is responsible for the creation of all our fittings —which have a 14k gold plating—, tempered steel posts , cam rullán , also made of tempered steel and fluted nails . Within this sector we have approximately 5,000 more hands .


It is also important to add to the plastics and rubber industry that assumes the manufacture of components such as slurry or filler ; the heels and platforms that give structure to your footwear; rubber soles and foam — a fundamental element for our memory foam insoles with 'JARC' technology —. Approximately 6,000 more individuals are necessary for these processes .

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Until now , there are nearly 25,000 hands that work, indirectly, in the creation of a pair of Regina Romero and we are leaving aside those who manufacture the cardboard and paper for our iconic pink box that keeps your pair of shoes until the door of your house. For these products, we always prioritize those that are recycled and sustainable to make a positive impact . With them add 5,000 more people .

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This in regards to indirect intervention . If we talk about those who directly manufacture an article by Regina Romero , we must count the master shoemakers who work in the factories as cutters , stitchers , assemblers and adorners ; plus the auxiliaries , the specialists in soles, soles and stamping . In a factory, between 120 and 150 people participate in manual processes that achieve impeccable manufacturing .


Outside the manufacturing process, there is also Regina Romero 's staff who do everything from the design and creation of collections and the search for materials , to photography , marketing and social media management. This without counting the administrative and accounting areas that are vital to maintain a company.


Finally, in the last line of this long process , there is the quality and warehouse staff, who are in charge of verifying, for the last time, that your products meet our quality standards . Finally, any product is packaged with the love and dedication that characterizes us and is delivered to the parcel staff who are responsible for taking it to the door of your house .

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Creating a pair of Regina Romero shoes is an exhaustive job . It is made up of many industries that, at first glance, are not related to each other. However, each of them is a fundamental part of the complete experience , because a Regina Romero shoe is much more than just shoes, it is an experience .

References: amp -to-the-digital-world-and-its-audience-growing-with-google-tools/ -unstoppable essence-of-regina-romero-in-the-summer/ -exito-sneakers-boots-dreams-and-devotion-regina-romero/ https:/ /
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Sonia Calva Robledo

Regina Romero es mi marca favorita de zapatos hay otra que también es mexicana y que me gusta mucho pero desde que conocí a Regina en Mazarik nos ha acompañado en las fiestas de XV años de mis hijas y a mí, soy Contadora y la distinción, pulcritud y presencia de los zapatos para mi es muy importante, tengo pie plano y Regina definitivamente ha sido parte de mi vestir pues siempre debo usar tacón, En el 2005 tuve la bendición de ser absolutamente independiente y de poder comprar mi primer par. Me gusta mucho el que están pendientes de sus clientes, la verdad ninguna marca lo hace somos un número más comprando zapatos y por eso me gusta leer sus correos pues me agrada ver que una empresa mexicana se ocupa de sus clientes y sus colaboradores, es muy complicado sobrevivir en el mundo empresarial, y después de 22 años con nuestra firma hemos visto que solo las empresas responsables de su país, clientes y empleados son las que salen adelante. Mis felicitaciones, lamenté no ir a una invitación que me hicieron llegar de una pasarela, pero hubo un bloqueo cerca de nuestras oficinas y no pude ir. Gracias por hacer bellos zapatos y agradezco infinitamente las alturas 7.5 y las hermosas sandalias cómodas de tacón bajo, ah y ojalá sacaran botas pegaditas pero de tacón no muy alto y no muy delgado son comodísimas y aún las tengo, solo la línea de playa por ser tan planas no las uso pero, tenemos mocasines, botines, botas largas, zapatillas y sandalias. Gracias Regina por hacernos ver distinguidas, hermosas y siempre a la moda. Ya fuimos a su tienda en Las Lomas y su personal siempre atento.


Silvia Elena Ávila Sánchez

Hola!!! Me complace enviarle un cordial saludo y mi felicitación a Usted en especial y a todo el equipo que conforma REGINA ROMERO.

Realmente son zapatos bellamente realizados y sus modelos exquisitos, ya que e tenido la oportunidad de adquirir en tiempo atrás un par de botines y un par de mocasines los cuales me enamoraron y hasta la fecha de hoy aún los tengo solo e tenido que cambiarle las tapas del tacón de los botines y ahí siguen andando. Me enorgullece cuando alguien me los admira diciéndome que tengo buen gusto al lucir dichos zapatos y con orgullo contesto…Son REGINA ROMERO! No descarto en cualquier momento adquirir otros zapatos ya que casi a diario navego en sus catálogos y admiro la variedad de modelos que hay para comprar y aprovechar las ofertas que nos ofrecen.

Por mi parte les mando mi admiración por el buen gusto que tienen para realizar tan lindos modelos.
Les deseo mucho éxito!!!!!

Su Servidora

Silvia Elena Ávila Sánchez.
Chetumal, Quintana Roo.


Dai Mendiola

Me faltarían palabras para describir lo fascinada que estoy con mis zapatos Regina Romero, es muy emocionante ver los diseños , elegir uno y tener la oportunidad de entrega en la comodidad de tu casa. Es una experiencia sorprendente .Son verdaderamente piezas de arte. 🥰




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