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The fashion business

25 March 2023

A few months ago The Business of Fashion , an online publication dedicated to all things fashion, published an article that referenced designer shoes. What is its price due to? How has the market changed? And what are consumers looking for? These are some of the key questions that this article seeks to answer.


In recent years, the luxury footwear business has seen a significant increase. In fact, specialists claim that by 2027, the net value of the luxury footwear market will reach $40 billion. But what is the reason for the renewed interest in designer shoes?

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For several decades, style and comfort seemed to be opposite concepts, however, among the good things that the pandemic left us, one of these is the search for both in a single model. Recent years have driven designers to innovate in everything from eye-catching designs, new colors and intricate silhouettes, without sacrificing consumer comfort.

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Customers, of course, have noticed these efforts and, in a not-so-unexpected turn of events, are willing to recognize this initiative by adding more and more luxury shoes to their personal collections. It has been proven that consumers opt for a wide range of categories, which are available throughout the year in a single brand to “special” silhouettes for each season, since personal style is more important than blindly following trends.

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Regina Romero, with almost forty years of experience, is proud to call herself an expert in footwear made in Mexico. Our shoes are made to the same quality standards and materials as top designers at up to 10 times the price. From trends, manufacturing techniques, to customer service, our commitment is always to providing you with the best quality and the best designs, guaranteeing you a great value for each pair of Regina Romero.

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Los zapatos de Regina Romero a mi consideración son de una calidad excelente.
Y al ser manufacturados en México es un orgullo.
Yo los conocí en la tienda departamental del Palacio de Hierro y compré varios modelos que me encantaron.
Y últimamente he comprado en la tienda en línea.
Los exhorto a seguir fabricando modelos increíbles y con la calidad excepcional que hasta ahora lo han hecho.
Saludos afectuosos.


Aurora Leyva

Estoy en la situación que puedo darme el lujo de comprar sus zapatos, pero ya no las condiciones físicas para poder hacerlo, el tipo de calzado ideal para mi no lo encuentro con ustedes, me gusta sentirme bien con los zapatos, coloridos, de tacón bajo y modernos. Continuamente revisó sus modelos y me gustan mucho, les deseo más éxitos en su hermosa empresa


Aurora Leyva

Estoy en la situación que puedo darme el lujo de comprar sus zapatos, pero ya no las condiciones físicas para poder hacerlo, el tipo de calzado ideal para mi no lo encuentro con ustedes, me gusta sentirme bien con los zapatos, coloridos, de tacón bajo y modernos. Continuamente revisó sus modelos y me gustan mucho, les deseo más éxitos en su hermosa empresa




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