Where Do Mules or Slingbacks Come From?

17 August 2021

Mules are a type of footwear that has been present in the wardrobes of both men and women for almost 400 years.

Although these models come from ancient Rome, the word mules is of French origin and literally means: bare or undercut heel .

These designs give an effortless touch to any outfit , maximizing the style you put on it, providing the perfect fusion between style and comfort.


Model Cindy

Mules re - emerged as everyday shoes in the 1970's , however, they have much more history .

The current design that we know of the mules took shape in the 17th century . They were inspired by the traditional slippers or slippers with heels that were worn in the old Turkish Empire .

For many seasons this type of footwear was known as "Turkish fashion".


It should be noted that, throughout the eighteenth century and until the end of the French Revolution, these shoes were dedicated solely to the upper classes , they were luxury models.

Their influence was such that they are considered a staple in French fashion apparel , from Louis XIV to Madame Pompadour and even Marie Antoinette .


With the fall of the monarchy in France , mules gradually lost their popularity and were relegated to exclusive use inside the house as a slipper - type shoe and only for women .

Women who received visitors in their homes used this type of footwear. Curiously, there are historians who differ if "receiving visitors" is a euphemism for sexual acts and therefore, several scholars describe these shoes as having a high erotic content.


Model Cindy

By the end of the 20th century , with the arrival of Y2K fashion and the premiere of the influential series Sex and the City, mules rose from the ashes as street shoes , this time exclusively for women.

In this series , shoes are another protagonist of the story that accompany the four women on their tour of New York.

In the first seasons it is very common to see Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) wearing a pair of high-heeled mules .



Mules are shoes that are here to stay .

For approximately three years they have been a constant in the collections of the great fashion houses such as Gucci or Manolo Blanik .

These designs will prevail in eternity since, almost four centuries later, it maintains its visual appeal of baring the leg and foot in a clean and elegant cut.

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Guillermina Romero

Muy bonitos sus modelos y gracias por comentarnos la historia de algunos zapatos.


Yan Sanchez

Me encantan sus colecciones!!! son increíbles , pero los tacones planos o bajos no mucho , sería una gran idea que en alguna temporada Regina Romero tuviera una colección “Mules” pero con tacones altos, siempre los tacones altos estilizan y dan más elegancia que los tacones pequeños o medianos.
Seria fabuloso !!! saludos



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