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Four lines, one story

29 July 2023

Building a brand identity is an arduous task, but it is also a task that sometimes, and in cases like ours, has emerged almost organically and represents everything we see as fundamental in life.

fairy model

As you've probably noticed, our shoes have a small four-line symbol inserted into the sole. It is a diamond, Regina Romero's insignia.

alexa model

Choosing this icon is one of the most successful decisions to represent ourselves. In numerology, the number four is associated with stability, perseverance, integrity and trust; All of them ideal and necessary qualities to create a company and that have always been part of the personality of our founder, Regina Calzada de Romero.

We can see the number four in almost everything around us: four elements, four seasons of the year and four cardinal points. It is also from nature that this enigmatic stone comes from, which is related to the will to triumph, perfection and firmness. If you want to know more about the symbology of the diamond and its relationship with us, we recommend you read our blog "The RR diamond" .

colette bag

This diamond on our shoes has a unique connotation. It is not only the four lines that make it up and the meanings of the number and the gem, but its origin as an image for our brand.

suzette model

The drawing of this emblem arises from the linking of the two letters " R " by Regina Romero. My mother's name combined with my father's last name shows the strength of their marriage and our family; a link that is guided by fundamental values ​​for my mother: love, passion and commitment, the latter associated with diamond rings.

In our monogram you can see the formation of the diamond

Finally, this is how our icon represents two substantial aspects of our essence: the Romero Calzada family and the four pillars of our brand. The diamond is the banner that carries the principles of Regina Romero.

I, Jorge Romero, am one of four brothers who are represented in this formidable symbol. The family should be a source of stability, as our insignia dictates. My parents created this company and lived a harmonious marriage, always united as a solid team.

Just as the four brothers grew up on the strong pillars of this family, in this icon the four pillars of our brand are abstracted: quality, comfort, timelessness and exclusive designs. There are four factors that you will find in any pair of shoes you choose: quality in materials and workmanship, comfort in its perfect fit, timelessness with eternal designs and exclusivity, knowing that each piece carries deep creative work.

astra model

A smile appears on my face when I see how each of our models is a strong investment of time and quality, and that its pillars, which support our brand, are also supported symbolically by that small diamond that crowns our soles.

calypso model

The four lines that make up the Regina Romero diamond are, finally, four lines that trace a symbol that tells our story, speaks of our identity, commemorates our family and exalts our vision; an emblem of simple composition, but with powerful meanings.

venice model


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Ma Martha Mendoza

Tengo la fortuna de tener algunos de sus modelos de calzados, que me han regalado mis hijos y he comprado yo…!!!! me gusta la la presentación de sus envíos, la comodidad de su calzado y lo elegantes que son…los recomiendo mucho..🙏 éxito futuro.


Ma Martha Mendoza

Tengo la fortuna de tener algunos de sus modelos de calzados, que me han regalado mis hijos y he comprado yo…!!!! me gusta la la presentación de sus envíos, la comodidad de su calzado y lo elegantes que son…los recomiendo mucho..🙏 éxito futuro.



Me llego ayer mi envio .. estoy enamorada !!
Muy elegantes , super calidad, me
Encanto como resaltan los detalles de la marca, el broche, el diamante en la suela 💕 pero sobre todo la comodidad 😍 tienen todo




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