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Real Comfort

26 April 2023

by Mishiko García

The name Regina , which has given identity to our brand and was chosen for our founder, has a unique meaning and origin and, as if predestined, has a perfect fit that goes with our values ​​and our promise.


Regina, from the Latin rēgīna ("queen"), and this feminine of rex , "king", from the Proto-Indo-European *h₃rēǵs, "monarch, ruler", means, simply, that: queen. A name that in itself carries a very powerful willpower, a government of oneself and the circumstances to achieve the dreams and goals that one sets for oneself. It is the name of a conqueror.


And as such, a conqueror is the person who takes over a place, who obtains things with effort and who is recognized by everyone. We can also talk about a woman who conquers trends; a person who has captivated others with his style standards and that we all want to follow.

reginaromero-blog-real-confort-REGINA-PUMP-75 model regina pump 75

Royalty, the Reginas of our time, have been a style guide for a long time. How do they do that? To tell the truth, with the heaviness of the protocols that members of royal families must follow, it is difficult to believe it. But they are. And, furthermore, we have always wondered how royalty manages to look so good all the time and forever.


References of poise and elegance, royal women are recognized for a natural and impeccable style that is perfectly sealed with their footwear. Different color palettes and heights dress each of them and of course, influenced by their personality, they choose what they wear, but they always give us a lesson in style.



The real must . Most royal outfits include pumps to elevate any outfit, as they are ideal for any occasion. If we remember the elegant suits or dresses of princesses and duchesses, it is inevitable to think of this silhouette, as they are synonymous with will and strength.

reginaromero-blog-real-comfort-KATE model regina pump 105

They are so classic that our most representative models, Regina and Rania, carry the names of queens. This type of shoe is, par excellence, the queen. If you look at their style, the most elegant outfits will undoubtedly have a pair of these shoes.

reginaromero-blog-real-comfort-RANIA rania model

A powerful style is not necessarily synonymous with high heels. The previous monarch of the United Kingdom, Elizabeth II, from her youth, was characterized by the use of much more practical — but no less elegant — footwear that included a variety of block-heeled sneakers at a height that fused comfort and elegance at every step.

reginaromero-blog-real-comfort-KALI kali model

Princess Margaret, her sister, was also known for wearing low-heeled shoes; although always with a touch that made his personality stand out even more.

reginaromero-blog-real-comfort-TAMARA tamara model

As if that were not enough, moccasins also arrived in the royals ' wardrobes . Lady Di, for example, was always characterized as a style icon and knew how to perfectly integrate this type of footwear into her outfits, extolling practicality in royal tasks.

reginaromero-blog-real-comfort-POLINA polina model


From time to time, some women from the various royal families surprise us with innovative footwear. And no one can resist trends forever. Sometimes, queens like Máxima of Holland and Letizia have fascinated us with decisions that would impress more than two with their exceptional height and color choices.

reginaromero-blog-real-confort-MAXIMA-LIZZY lizzy model maxima model


Actually? They? The answer is yes. Obviously, it will not be just any choice, but it will cover the basic standards of elegance. As symbols of modern royalty, the princesses of Wales have been pioneers. Who doesn't remember Lady Di's iconic looks with college sweatshirts and sneakers? Elegance will never be at odds with modernity.

reginaromero-blog-real-comfort-MARIA model maria

It is no coincidence, although it may seem like it, that the name of our founder is that of a true queen. The values ​​offered by our brand are precisely those that dress princesses, queens and duchesses: quality, comfort, elegance and timelessness. Models drawn with clean and simple lines, but that will never cease to be at the forefront.

reginaromero-blog-real-comfort-TANIA tania model

Regina Romero is a brand that offers you real comfort ; that is, true comfort worthy of royalty, which will always leave its mark wherever you go.

reginaromero-blog-real-confort-REGINA-PUMP-75 model regina pump 75

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Josefina Balderas Resendiz

Muy bonitos y elegantes zapatos pero el precio no esta al alcance de todas las mujeres. Yo si me comparia unos mis pies los valen me gusta lo elegante.Se me hacen caros para comprar varios pares.


Julieta osio de la rosa

Tienen balerinas como las que tienen en flexi?


Emma Diez

Me encanta la información de su blog !!!!




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