Slow Fashion vs. Fast Fashion

1 August 2020

Today, more than ever, in these times we are living, many of us are appreciating true values.

Fashion is no exception. Due to this, I asked our designer Montse Vega, who has lived in quarantine in Madrid, doing her master's degree, to do some research and I'll share with you the summary of the BLOG of what is the big trend today:


"Slow Fashion Fashion"

For many years, some very difficult for Regina Romero, many people told me why I didn't lower the quality, to sell volume.

What I did not imagine was that maintaining my ideals , which I learned from my parents, of maintaining high quality and the true trade of well-crafted and 100% leather shoes, would be appreciated again.

The bottom of today's message is that we must stay true to our ideals and values.

We share Montse Vega's BLOG

In the big fashion houses every 6 months a new season is launched: Spring-Summer - Autumn-Winter.

Many brands have added up to 3 extra collections launched between seasons, with which the rhythm of design, creation, development, production and marketing is governed by processes in very demanding times.

They try to take care of their prestige despite the pressure they have to launch new things.

The consumer has gotten faster, constantly searching for the newest trends. Brands have to respond to this behavior.



At the same time, there are the Fast Fashion brands, which feed on the trends imposed by the big luxury brands. It is a competition against the clock, and to beat time and satisfy the consumer's need, they sacrifice the quality of both the entire process in creating a product, and the product itself.

The important thing is: sell massively, create consumerism and quickly offer products, regardless of quality, durability and impact on the environment.

Fast fashion takes designs from high fashion houses and adapts the materials for lower quality ones, since they need to reduce production costs as much as possible, in order to offer a trendy product to a mass public, at a low price.

This phenomenon is known as the Trickle Down Effect , which means taking some luxury design, imitating it by breaking down or reducing both the quality and design details to avoid allegations of plagiarism, and selling it cheaper and with lower quality.

regina rosemary


The term Slow Fashion was born in 2007 in London thanks to fashion teacher Kate Fletcher. This concept names the brands and products that, within all this chaos, strive to create quality items in an ethical and responsible way. These companies fight against the current with the phenomenon of speed produced by Fast Fashion.

This concept promotes transparency in production processes. In this way the consumer knows who, how and under what conditions the garments that he is about to acquire are made.

Slow Fashion is also characterized by being one of the main examples of fair trade and by betting on suppliers and local labor.


The idea of ​​Slow Fashion is surrounded by different characteristics that have evolved over the years but that, in a few words, we can reduce as a philosophy that opts for quality, instead of quantity, garments that can last for years or even all life, which are made with a purpose and a specific intention.

He opts for timeless designs instead of changing his entire style to follow a single trend as he has a long-term vision as he does not consider items as disposable.


Regina Romero is proud to belong to this sector of the industry and we position ourselves with a Slow Fashion brand.

In contrast to Fast Fashion brands, our creation, development and marketing process respect more adequate time frames and thus create a well thought out, well developed and well sold product. Our design studio has its own process to work with. Each collection is conceived from a central inspiration.

The designer works hand in hand with the pattern maker, taking care of every construction detail, adjusting, moving lines and managing to create the perfect shoe.

The dedication, the demand, the quality and the time that is really given to this product so that you fall in love and want to have it in your hands.


Also, it is important to stop and think about what kind of items we want to buy. Do you prefer to buy something cheap that will have a short life of use, so that one has to buy again sooner, encouraging mass consumerism, or buy a value product, with a longer lifespan, with luxury quality and created under fair and sustainable working conditions?

With everything that is happening in the present, it is important to educate ourselves and start thinking about how we can change actions in our lives that can contribute to creating a better world.

Slow Fashion is the future.


https://strambotica.es/the-importance-and-benefits-of-using-ecological-clothes/#:~:text=La%20ropa%20ecol%C3%B3gica%20es%20that, environment%20nor%20for% 20the%20consumer.


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] Evutic dgm.mqhg.reginaromero.com.toa.hj http://slkjfdf.net/



] Akodatagi zng.aiyc.reginaromero.com.rho.lz http://slkjfdf.net/



] Abuneen tdb.wycj.reginaromero.com.itb.ze http://slkjfdf.net/




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