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What place does Mexico occupy as a shoe manufacturer worldwide?

27 November 2018

We rank #9 as a shoe manufacturer in the world, with 250 million pairs a year.

In 2011 we exported 22 million pairs and imported 68 million. Three times more imports than exports.

What do you think about this? At Regina Romero we think it should be the other way around: we export much more than we import. With this we would boost the national economy in an area that we are among the 10 largest in the world. We could be number 6 in the world, manufacturing and exporting 20% ​​more, or at least consuming locally those 68 million pairs that we import today.

We must design, produce, consume and export world-class products. In Mexico we have the capacity, knowledge and skilled labor. That was the vision of Regina Romero in 1984 and her commitment during these 35 years.

We share some articles:

"What has put the Mexican footwear industry in the 'top' of the largest producers in the world?

Innovation, quality and design have placed Mexico on the international map of the footwear market, an industry in which they have managed to position themselves as the ninth producer worldwide with some 245 million pairs per year, especially in the leather category. ."

"Our Mexico produces about 245 million pairs of footwear per year. This figure is largely due to the fact that it has a qualified workforce, good designs and quality materials at affordable prices for producers , thanks to all these factors Mexico has a solid base in its production and in its commercialization to any part of the world."

"The growth opportunities for Mexican footwear lie in seeking high standards of quality and design.

The Mexican footwear industry is one of great tradition, its beginnings can be traced even to New Spain. Throughout its history it has had to face innumerable challenges such as the Mexican Revolution and the flooding of the City of León, Gto. in 1888. Currently this industry has to overcome new market conditions which, although they may be adverse, also represent good opportunities to expand their scope of action."

Our designs and manufacturing compete in quality and comfort with the best in the world. In Mexico we know the art of making shoes well.

"... We must work on diversification to adopt new sales channels, such as e-commerce , ensuring that consumers have more purchasing options."

" They defend the national market

During the 74th edition of the Leather and Footwear Show ( Sapica ), a decree was published to minimize footwear imports, especially from China and Vietnam. The Mexican government established more rigorous import controls and tariffs of up to 30% to defend the national market."

[caption id="attachment_383" align="aligncenter" width="412"] Shoe Manufacturers Worldwide[/caption]

We represent 1.2% of world production.

[caption id="attachment_63843" align="alignnone" width="601"][/caption] BIBLIOGRAPHY /article/world-footwear-industry/212303 https:// -numbers/
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Ana Cabrera

Me encantan los zapatos Regina Romero su calidad y diseño de lo mejor.Me gustaria ver mayor numero de modelos en cada temporada y tambien mas zapatillas que no tengan plataformas tal altas.Gracias.



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