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Sandals Through History.

2 July 2022

Since the beginning of humanity , protecting our feet has always been a priority . The feet are a fundamental part of our body; They take us everywhere, support us in our daily lives and hold us to the ground. In other articles we have told you about the evolution of some types of footwear , such as moccasins or boots . However, in this blog we want to talk to you about one of the oldest footwear in history: sandals .


According to the RAE , the word "sandal" comes from the Latin sandalĭum , which, in turn, comes from the Greek σανδάλιον or sandalion , which can be translated as "wooden sole" . However, this type of footwear is much older . In the National Archaeological Museum of Madrid , there is the Paleolithic skeleton of a prehistoric man who wore a kind of esparto sandals .

reginaromero-blog-sandals-through-history-ESPARTO-AMAYA AMAYA MODEL

Due to the climate, this footwear originated and became popular first in the regions of the Middle East , such as Mesopotamia , to later spread throughout the Mediterranean in ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece and Rome . Laura Luceno, a professor at the Superior Center for Fashion Design, explains that sandals as we know them today date back to about 2,500 years before Christ .

Despite the years of antiquity that these models have, primitive sandals are very similar to what we know today . In the past , its sole was made of wood and it was fastened to the foot with leather or papyrus straps —in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun , in Egypt, a pair of sandals with papyrus straps and embedded jewels were found— . Today, good sandals have replaced the wooden sole with tough yet supple leather, and have incorporated design elements like platforms , hardware , and more.
Many of today 's sandal designs draw inspiration from those of classical civilizations —such as "gladiator" sandals that take their inspiration from ancient Rome. The versatility of these models sets the tone for adding avant-garde features such as minimalist silhouettes or geometric heels .

With the arrival of summer , the sun , the heat and the holidays , it is normal for us to look at our wardrobe and select fresher shoes to complement our outfits . Regina Romero 's spring-summer 2022 collection is full of sandals of different styles , designed so that any woman can find her ideal pair of sandals . Designs inspired by the past and the contemporary so that you can wear a little piece of history on your feet.

reginaromero-blog-sandals-through-history-TIARA TIARA MODEL

References:,the%20first%20of%20la%20history .

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María Luisa Mendoza Tello

Hola buenas tardes, les agradezco la oportunidad de comentar. Durante varios años en mi vida laboral su marca fue mi marca. Tengo varios años de 79 años y ahora busco zapatos confortables , seguros que me permitan caminar sin riesgos. Mis últimas compras fueron mocasines los use poco pues los siento duros y unas sandalias qué también siento duras y como no tienen correa en el talón inseguras.
Los felicito para jóvenes sus productos son geniales:


Dara de la Torre

Buenas tardes ojalá sacaran más números del modelo Bianca sus otras sandalias son bonitas pero no escogería unas con tacones ni solamente metidas (para caminar mucho ambas son inestables y peligrosas), por eso me gusto el modelo Bianca tiene cierre y te cubre el pie las compré pero no me quedado están muy estrechas y como las compré en promoción ya no hay cambios he estado esperando que resurtan pero nada y veo que ahora están haciendo remate del modelo, ya será la próxima que saquen algo más práctico.



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