Being a shoemaker is one of the oldest trades of humanity. It is a job that requires excellence, passion and professionalism . That is why every October 25th the Day of the Shoemaker is celebrated . This date was established in honor of two brothers, Crispin and Crispinianus , who died in the 3rd century AD.
It is said that during the day they dedicated themselves to preaching Christianity to the Gauls and, at night, they made shoes that they sold to survive. These brothers died being saints for the Catholic Church and are the patron saints of shoemakers and furriers. If you want to know more about the history of San Crispín and San Crispiniano, we invite you to read our blog: “ Why is December 12 so special for Regina Romero? ”
In Mexico , the ninth largest shoe producer in the world, celebrating shoemaker's day is to recognize the passion that each of the artisans and master shoemakers has for this beautiful trade.
It is such an important day that every year the archbishop of Mexico dedicates a mass in the Basilica of Guadalupe in honor of all the shoemakers in the country.
In the Museum of the Basilica , which has a collection of more than 4,000 votive offerings, you can see several altarpieces made by master shoemakers for the Virgin of Guadalupe and the brothers San Crispín and San Crispiniano, by way of thanks. Personally, I have an altarpiece that I treasure with great affection because it was given to me on one of my first trips to Italy.
For me, October 25 is a very special date . Since I can remember I have been in contact with artisans and master shoemakers from all over Mexico. They carry out this trade with great enthusiasm , leaving a small part of them in each pair of shoes.
Monica Cabrales de Shah
Estoy súper orgullosa del trabajo artesanal y artístico de los zapateros mexicanos, y por supuesto también de Regina Romero, que no solo compiten sino que superan muchísimo en calidad y estilo a las marcas internacionales de alta gama. ¡Gracias por darnos otro motivo para enorgullecernos de nuestro país!
Patricia Román
Gracias por compartirnos su tiempo, dedicación, esfuerzo creatividad, buen gusto…. y regalarnos en cada par de zapatos una obra de arte. FELIZ DÍA DEL ZAPATERO!!! DIOS LES BENDIGA SIEMPRE!!!
Sandra Durán
Hola, estoy fascinada con mis tenis Kim, ahora estoy de viaje y me traje los tenis entre otros zapatos para las largas caminatas y en verdad resultaron ser los mejores, estoy muy contenta por que para caminar son súper cómodos, ligeros y muy bonitos. No me canso para nada, puedo caminar horas y todo bien!!!